The Note

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After Sal left the bathroom, Travis got up and left the stall, his face still red. He turned on the sink faucet and started washing his hands. Travis looked over to the trash can and noticed...

'Wasnt my note on the floor?' Travis turned off the faucet and walked over to the trashcan, hoping it was somewhere around it. Then he started questioning, 'Did Sal see it and pick it up?' Then it hit him.
'What if he read it and thought I wrote it? That would explain him being nice? Or he's just a nice person...?'
(Hes clearly overthinking it) Travis then started looking more around the trashcan, his heart pounding in his chest, hoping to see his crumpled up confession note.

'Maybe he threw it away?' That thought calmed him down a bit. He looked into the trashcan, but all he saw were old milk cartons and paper towels with some other stuff. His face was now very red. He was internally freaking out. Then the bell rang.

Travis left the bathroom to go to class, wondering where the note went. Trying his best to brush it off


"Hey Larry,"

"Oh hey Sal, where have you been?"

Larry walked over to him, "Oh i-" the sound of the bell cut him off, "it doesn't matter. I have to get to class." Larry said quickly walking away because he had a really strict teacher who would give detention and not a late slip. (If you were late ofc)

"Oh, okay, see you later." Sal then also went to class.

                        After school

"Hey Sal sorry if I was rude earlier, I didn't want to be late." Larry said to Sal while they were playing some random video game.

"It's okay man, Mrs.Scott Is really strict." (That's a random name lmao)


Larry left sals apartment cause it was getting late, so that left Sal alone in his room. His dad was working late again, so he went to go heat up some leftovers.

'I wonder who's note that was...' Sal then remembered putting the note in his pocket. He slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled it out.

He opened the paper, reading it over again. He then started putting two and two together.

'Could this be travis's?...'


I've already started on chapter 4 hope you like this chapter<3

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