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Fay's Journal,

The anniversary of my brother's death falls on my birthday. So, I don't know if it's his death or my birth that is cursed. But something always happens on that day. Which happens to be today. On my sixth birthday which also happens to be the one-year anniversary of his death, I became friends with four other females, and we became known as the five troublemakers of Calvins school for the troubled young. It all started with me wanting to talk to Calvin to see if he had heard from my parents. It was Kayla and Missy that told me that they could get his attention. Boy did they, they also got me into a but load of trouble. Now that I look back on it, that was a good day.

Every year after that something has happened. I broke my arm on my seventh birthday, because Kayla convinced me that we could once fly and would fly again if we just believed it to be true. On my eigth birth day I broke my leg because Kayla convinced me that sliding down the stairs railing was the best way to start the day. On my ninth birthday we dove into the schools pool at Kayla's urging, and I nearly drown with the maintenance guy decided it was a good idea to drain the pool and sucked me down with the water. On my fourteenth birthday Kayla convinced Calvin that we were mature enough to go to the mall with just the five of us and a few guards. Now that I think about it, everything that happened back then, had something to do with Kayla. With the exception of Jon's death.

My fourteenth was the worst since Jon died. Vane separated me from the others, beat me half to death and told me to disappear, but not before he threatened everyone that I had come to care about. He left me for dead behind some dumpster which is where my sire found me. He took me to a healer who told him that the only thing they could do was turn me and pray that I survived that. I survived of course but I never went home. My sire stayed long enough to train me, to make sure I knew how to live as a full-blooded vampire then he had to go back to his people. So, he left me with his Elvin half. A male that I fell in love with. A male that I adored. He and his brother Jake taught me what my sire couldn't. They showed me how to work jobs on the streets, how to make my way around the human world that Calvin had tried so hard to keep us away from.

The three of us grew close and I left Calvin and his school behind. I left Kayla the biggest troublemaker of us all behind. Then Mac and Jake left me behind. I came home from a job, pregnant and tired, to find them gone. There was an envelope full of cash and a note from Mac.

"Fay, we have been called back to our people. As far as they are concerned you have no memory of us. As far as Jake is concerned you believe that the babes father left you. I couldn't take your memory as is our way. I refuse to do that to you. I am sorry that we left with no notice, and I know that this will hurt you. I know that I don't have the right to ask anything of you after this, but I ask that you not come looking for us. I ask that you live the best life possible for yourself and for the son that I will never know. My vampire half will send Blood bags through portals or deliver them when you aren't home. He and I will both watch over you from a distance. That is all that we can do. The apartment is paid for, the deed is in your name. No one can make you leave. There is a list of Jobs that you can work but remember trust no one. If we cross paths you must act like you don't know us. Control your facial expressions do not let on that you recognize the three of us. Keep the young close, you will need him as much as he needs you. And Fay please know that you will always have my heart."

That was three years ago. If I have come across them, I have no clue. That letter was left for me on my birthday, and Kayla was nowhere around, so I can't blame her this time. But I have to wonder is it the anniversary of Jon's death or my birthday that is cursed. Either way I am only leaving to go to work at the club. My roommate can come and go as she pleases today, but I will save anything I have to do besides work for tomorrow.

I pray that Mac, Jake, and my sire knows that I have done the best I could for myself and our son. I wonder if Jake knows that I still think of him as a brother. Annoying as hell brother, but brother none the less. Will I see them again? Will I be able to tell Jake that I remember him? Has Mac seen our son? Will this cursed day ever end. Will what happens today be good or bad? Yeah I need out of this damn apartment.

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