Chapter 4

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 Chapter 4

Fay woke up the next morning with her uncle Calvin standing over her, holding Jacob, "You do realize that they have plenty of beds here, right?"

Fay blinked sleepy eyes up at him. "Uncle Calvin, I thought that you were out of town!"

Calvin bent down to where she laid on the floor, "I came as soon as I heard that it was really you. I was told that you keep asking for me and would only trust me. Child, I have lied to you along with your parents. So why trust me and not them?"

Fay shrugged, "Honestly, you're the only one that I actually know. You were the closest thing that I had to a parent. I wanted, needed to make sure that you knew that I didn't want to leave, and I tried to reach you, to come home, but vane was always there."

Calvin looked around the nursery with its baby bed, rocker, and toys. "You know I started that school so that I could keep the young of our family safe, my daughter, Granddaughters, and you needed a safe place to grow up. I became so absorbed in the work that I forgot the reason. Then you disappeared and..."

"Uncle, you kept us safe, you gave us a home and a family. You couldn't have known that Vane would do any of this." She cocked her head to the side, "Did you say, daughter and Granddaughters?"

"That would be what you heard. Yes, I have a daughter and two granddaughters. No, I'm not telling you who they are. As for Vane, I think that he needed me to become distracted, and I did until Kayla started acting out and running away. The first time she ran, she told us about Vane, although I don't think that she told us everything. She thinks that we didn't believe her, that we weren't listening, but we were. I just couldn't let on until we knew more. You know Kayla didn't give up on you. Neither did the twins or Missy, so don't be mad at them."

"We will figure all of this out." She stood then held her hand out to him, "in the meantime, can you please tell me how Callen Micollie adds into all of this?"

Calvin laughed, "Fay, it is so good to have you back." He handed Jacob to her, "Kayla met him when she ran away the first time. She took a job hacking into his bank accounts. She was so good at it that when he finally caught her, he hired her."

Fay shook her head, "That female really has no luck."

"No, she really doesn't. Kayla had suggested that he hire another hacker to deal with his clients while she took care of the security end of things. One of the first things that she secured was his files on his family. When her picture, along with the name of the school, came up, Kayla didn't say anything. Instead, she kept working for him. The second hacker that he hired worked on employee files and found some odd things in Kayla's file. He kept digging until he found the real Kayla and turned it into Callen. Kayla was back at the school that night. Although she never met the second hacker while working for Callen, he knew her, and as she says, he snitched her out." He sighed, "When he brought Kayla back to the school, I asked him to take over. I needed to know why she was running away and why you took off. I couldn't look into all of that with Vane hanging over my shoulder. Not after what Kayla had told us."

Fay tried putting Jacob's shoes on for the third time, and he wasn't going for it. "This child does not like shoes!"

Elizabeth walked into the room, "Your father normally has to magically glue the shoes on him."

"Yeah, well, my extent of using magic is water balls. Didn't do Kayla any good earlier, and it won't help us now." She laughed, "That shadow thing was poppa wasn't it?"

Elizabeth smiled, "Don't tell Kayla, but yes. Maybe now she will stay out of our personal files." They both laughed, "No, she won't. Your father will be here in a little bit. We can let him take care of Jacob and the shoes."

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