Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ian watched as his youngest daughter walked away from them. He turned to his mate and Callen, "she's right; all we've done since Jonnin died is lie to her." He took a deep breath, "maybe it was to keep her safe, but mostly it was to keep her from finding us. And we all see how that worked out."

Elizabeth closed her eyes, "she seems to trust Calvin if he talks to her maybe he can keep her from running."

Callen nodded, "I'll see what I can do. In the meantime. The two of you might want to tell her why you were at the school under disguise. It might help her understand."

"The only thing that will help is if we tell her everything. She needs to know who we are. Who she really is and why her brother was murdered?"

Elizabeth frowned, "Are you sure about this we swore to never tell her the truth of who she really is."

"Love, I don't think that we have any other choice. The way things are heading, she will find out the truth no matter what we do. It's better if we tell her now than if she finds out later and hates us for it. I will deal with my brother when the time comes. But we will lose her if we don't speak up and soon." He sighed, "Besides she was at the Knights Tavern, she will figure it out. Jonnin openly said that he wanted to know where his daughter is at. He gave the order to kill Vane, but he never mentioned that he is Jon. Or that Jon is his disguise."

Callen sighed, "It may be too late for you to talk to her. The silent alarm on the nursery window was just set off."

Ian ran his hand threw his hair as he took off for the nursery. Elizabeth and Callen were on his heels when he ran through the nursery door, only to find Fay, Kayla, and Jacob sitting on the floor playing with blocks. Fay gave them a wicked smile as she looked up. "I would ask what's wrong, but I'm guessing that there is an alarm on the window."

Elizabeth laughed, "you knew that the alarm was there!"

Fay shrugged as she handed her son a block, "Pretty much. It's been my job to know those things." She stepped away from Jacob and Kayla. "I'll stay as long as Jacob is safe. I want him to come with us. I'm tired of being separated from him. Yet, I'm worried about what will happen when Vane finds out that he is my son." She licked her lips, "You have to promise on your honor on Jon's soul that my son will come to no harm."

Ian closed his eyes, "no harm will come to your son, little one. You have my word. We are already working on his protection."

Fay chewed on her lip, "Why did you hide who you were at the school? Why hide from me?"

Elizabeth glared at Ian, "Ian and I are wanted by every government known to this world. After we lost Jon, we thought that it was best if they believed that we deserted you and ran. But I, we, couldn't just leave you, and you were so young that Ian feared that you would give us away by accident. We couldn't chance losing, you. So, we hid as Beth and Christian."

Ian frowned, "We watched you grow up from a distance, but we were always nearby." He smiled, "We were there the day that you became known as the five."

Fay blinked back tears, "it started with me trying to see Uncle Calvin. I wanted to know if he had heard from you. Vane refused to let me see Uncle, and Kayla said that she knew how to get Calvin out of his office. How to get his attention." She shook her fist at Kayla, "she got his attention alright, along with every adult in the house. She also got us grounded. It was my first time getting into trouble with Uncle Cal. Plus, I got assigned to a nanny."

Elizabeth smiled, "I was the nanny."

Kayla sighed from where she sat next to Jacob. "That was the first of many groundings and the beginning of a lifetime of friendships." When everyone, including Jacob, looked at her, she laughed, "what? I miss those days. Everything was so much simpler."

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