Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A few hours later, Mac knocked on Fay's door, "We're about ready to leave, but we need to talk beforehand."

Fay nodded, already not liking where this was going. "Whatever it is, Mac, just say it."

"We are only here until Vane is taken care of. I just want to make sure that you understand that. We have our orders Fay, and that is to guard Jacob, making sure that Vane, nor anyone else can harm him. With that being said, we are also going to be watching over you. So, don't worry about yourself or Jacob."

Fay shook her head, "I'm his mother; I'm always going to worry about him." She sighed, "I know that you're his father, Mac. I had that same dream when I was pregnant with him. His human name is Jacob David Macalister, but I haven't given him his Elvin name seeing how he is male that should come from you. I get that you can't raise him. I even understand why, but I can at least give you this."

Mac swallowed past the lump in his throat, "Thank you, Fay, for all of it. For letting me choose his name and for understanding." He took a deep breath, "How about Jonnin Rune Micaster? Jonnin after your brother and Rune for a middle name. After my... twin, I guess you could say."

Fay nodded, "I like that. Although I never knew that his name was Jonnin. I guess my parents named him after our uncle." Mac gave her a confused look as she laughed, "I'm not stupid Mac, I know that my parents are Micollies. I know that my father is the vampire half, not sure who his elfin half is, but I do know that he is a Micollie." Fay smiled as she thought of Jon, "I think that my brother and yours would have as well. Plus, I get to know something about you."

"What's that?"

Fay smiled as she wiggled her eyebrows at him, "You have a twin!"

Mac laughed, "Fay, I wish that things could have been different for us. I will check in on you and Jacob from time to time, even if you don't know that I'm there."

Fay could only nod, "I know that you will, just as I know that we, well, at least Jacob will see you again after all this is over with. Mac, I have always trusted you, and I always will. I just wish that everyone would start trusting me enough to tell me the truth or at least stop trying to protect me from it."

Mac nodded, "I'll be as honest as I'm allowed. I was going to lie and tell you that I'm about to be mated, but the truth is that my brother and I are...we share a soul mate, and we decided that he will be the one to mate her. Instead of both of us breaking her heart when our time is up. This way, she will only lose one of us. She will never know about me, not as her mate anyway. She wasn't even supposed to know that I'm alive."

"Why are you telling me this?"

Mac sighed, "Because when the time comes, she will need to be reminded that we are just trying to do what's right by her. And because you will always carry a huge part in my life and my heart. You'll understand one day."

Fay frowned, "Now that I know about the Dark Knight's, I can't help but wonder if my brother is alive. If he may be one of you."

"I can't say if he is or isn't. That would cause him a lot of issues if he was. But if I come across him, I'll tell him that you still think of him."

Fay laughed, "Just tell him that I said got you, big brother. He'll know what it means." She gave him a weak smile, "I just found the two of you again, and we're already preparing for us to lose you again. I hate this."

Mac pulled her to him as he held her in a hug, "At least you know the truth this time. If there was another option, I would take it. Please trust me on this."

"I know that you would. So, in the meantime, we will make the best of what time we have." She whispered, "And I already knew that you were alive. Just didn't get why you had to leave."

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