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Colby's POV:

I wake up to Tara and Jake walking into the room with a big sport bag. ''Sorry we woke you up Colby.'' Jake said putting down the bags. ''It's okay needed to get up anyways.'' I say running my hands trough my hair. ''Hey Daya.'' Tara said walking up to the crib. ''Daya?'' I asked looking at Tara. ''Yeah I thought of the nickname on the way here. I won't use it again if you don't like it.''She said. ''No no it's okay I like it. Daya.'' I say. We talked for a while and they update me on what happend at the house. ''I'm gonna go to the toilet.'' Tara said. Jake and I nd and continue talking. ''The others asked if they could come here and see Daya.'' Jake said. ''Yeah sure come over tomorrow.'' I say giving Daya her bottle. Tara walks in with a doctor behind her. ''Mr. Brock can you come with me for a second?'' He asked. ''Yeah of course. Tara can you hold her?'' I say handing Daya to Tara. ''So Mr. Brock we need to ask you some questions so we can fill in the papers for your baby.'' I nod. ''So we need a full name please.'' He said grabbing a pen and paper. ''Dayanara Valerie Brock.'' I said. He nods and write down what I just said. He asked a couple more questions. ''That's it Mr. Brock you can go back.'' He said grabbing the paper. ''Thank you.'' I say he nods and I walk back to the room. ''What was that about?'' Jake asked. ''Oh nothing he just asked some questions about Daya.'' I say taking Daya out of Tara's arms and put her in her bed. ''Well we should go now it's getting late.'' Jake said seeing Tara is half asleep. ''Alright see you guys later.'' I say. ''See you later.'' Jake said picking Tara up bridle style. I hold the door open for them. ''Drive save.'' I say walking with them to the front desk. ''We will don't worry.'' He said. We said our goodbye and I walk back into the room. I see Daya is awake again so I pick her up and sit down with her. I hear my phone ding. I grab it to look who it is. I see it's Sam and a smile instantly apears on my face.


Sammy;): Hey Colbs

Me: Hey Sammy:)

Sammy;): How are you doing?

Me: Not to good but not to bad

Sammy;):ohh well any news about Val?

Me: Nope still nothing

Sammy;): It'll prob be okay

Me: I hope so

Sammy;): So what's the baby's name? you haven't told us yet


Sammy;):It's okay but tell meeeee!!

Me: Her name is Dayanara

Sammy;): Ohhh I love that name can't wait to see her tomorrow!

Me: Oh I gtg Daya just woke up.

Sammy;): Okay see you tomorrow!

Me: See you tomorrow!


I put away my phone and grab Daya changing her into a pyjama. I put her in bed again putting her pacifier in her mouth. I wait until she's asleep. I stand up pressing  a kiss onto her head. I walk over to Val's bed and grab her hand. ''I know you won't hear me but baby please I beg you wake up please Everyone needs you. I need you. Please wake up soon baby I miss you.'' I say and press a kiss on her hand. I soon fall asleep with Val's hand in my hand.

I wake up to my phone going off like crazy. I rub my face and grab my phone seeing the group text me.



Lil kid:D: COLBYYY!

Dev:Colby we're coming in about 10 minutes

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