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Colby's POV:

I wake up feeling someone in my arms. I smile seeing blond hair. I grab my phone checking the time. Seeing it's 7.30 I check some messages and put down my phone again. I feel some movement and I look down seeing Sam is now staring at me. ''Goodmorning baby.'' I say. ''Morning.'' He says with a yawn. ''We should get downstairs.'' I say kissing his nose. He nods and sits up streching. He looks so good in my clothes. I stand up not having the energy to put on a shirt. I look at Sam who is staring at me. ''You like what you see baby?'' I say holding in my laugh. He looks away and starts to blush like hell. ''W-we should go to the others.'' He sad standing up. I nod and I walk behind him in the hall. When he went to the stairs I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder and start walking downstairs. ''Colbs put me down!'' He yelled. I just laughed and kept walking. After a while he went limp. We walk into the kitchen me still laughinhg. ''Awh Colby put the poor Sam down.'' Xepher said putting down a plate for Daya. I put Sam down. ''Wanna eat something Sammy?'' I ask and he nods. ''What do you want?'' I ask looking trough the cupboards. ''Just a pop tart is okay.'' He says with a smile. I grab a pop tart and throw it at him I grab one myself after. Sam jumps on the counter and I stand in between his legs. ''Hi.'' I say hugging him. ''Hey.'' He said with a chuckle. ''Who's ready to go to the waterpark today!?'' Kat yelled running into the kitchen. ''Mweee!'' Daya yelled jumping off her chair and running to Kat. We all laugh. ''Go get your asses ready.'' Kat said walking out of the kitchen with Daya on her hip. I pick up Sam again throwing him over my shoulder. ''Put me down you bully!'' Sam yelled. I just laugh and walk out of the kitchen up the stairs. I put him down and he goes into his room and I go into mine. I change into some black swim shorts. I walk downstairs again. ''Ready?'' Kat asked as Sam walks in. We all say yes and head outside. Me, Sam and Daya in my car. Kat, Xepher, Corey and Devyn in Kat's car and Jake,Tara and Aaron in Jakes car. We all follow Kat since she knows where to go to.

Sam's POV:

After 30 minutes we're still in the car. ''Sammy?'' Daya asked. ''Yes sweetie?'' I anwser turning around a bit. ''Are woo daddy's Boyfwiend?'' She asked me. I look at Colby who is giving me a smile. ''Yes sweetie I'm your daddy's boyfriend.'' I say with a smile. She sqeauls. ''Shh princess not so loud.'' Colby says with a chuckle. ''Sowwy daddy.'' She says with a smile. ''But don't tell the others yet we wanna tell them ourself.'' I said looking at her a little more stern. ''Otay I won say.'' She said looking out of her window again. After about 10 more minutes we arive at the water park. We all get out and wait for Jake to arive since he's the last. Daya grabs my hand. I look down at her and smile. Jake finaly arives. ''Jeez Jake took you long enough.'' Corey complained. We all laugh and head to the intrance. Daya still holding my hand. ''Well how about we all go our own way and meet for lunch?'' Tara said. We all agree. ''Daya you wanna come with me and Xepher?'' Kat asked. ''Wes!'' She yelled letting go of my hand. I chuckle. ''C'mon Sammy let's go.'' Colby said grabbing my hand running towards a slide. ''Colbs it's really high..'' I say looking up at the slide. ''C'mon baby you'll be alright.'' He said grabbing my hand squeezing it lightly. We walk up the stairs me holding on to Colby tight. ''You okay baby?'' Colby asked looking down at me as we're almost at the top. I nod and smile looking up at him. He presses a gentle kiss on my lips. I melt into it. We soon pull away when te line starts moving again. ''Can you go first?'' I ask still being afraid of hights. ''Of course baby.'' He said with a smile. He sits down and wait till he can go. He soon vanished into the slide. I take a deep breath and walk towards the slide. I sit down and wait until I can go. I go down and let out a loud squeal since it's going really fast. I soon start to laugh enjoying it. When I reach the bottom I fall into the water. I scream since someone wrapped their arms around my waist. ''Baby calm down it's just me.'' Colby said. ''You scared me.'' I say with a pout. ''Sorry baby I didn't mean to scare you.'' He said pressing a kiss on my cheek. ''It's okay Colbs.'' I say with a smile wrapping my arms around him. We go on a couple more slides. ''We should go meet up with the others for lunch.'' Colby said. I nod and he grabs my hand. We walk to the place where we would meet seeing all the others are already there. ''Hey guys.'' I said. They all said hi and we sit down. We all talk and eat.

Colby's POV:

I grab my phone texting Sam because I don't wanna say it out loud. 



Me: Baby when do you wanna tell our friends?

Babes!<3: I was think about doing it now?

Me: Sounds like a plan


I put away my phone. I look up at Sam who is smiling. ''Uhm guys can we tell you something?'' Sam asked and everyone looked up and went silence. ''Well uhmm.'' Sam start but I cut him off. ''Me and Sam are dating.'' I say with a smile grabbing his hand. ''Omg really?!'' kat yelled. ''Yeah.'' Sam laughed a bit. They all congratulation us. ''Daddy?'' Daya asked. ''Yes pincess?'' I look over at her. ''Does twis mween Sammy is mwy swecond daddy?'' She asked with big eyes. ''If you want me to be.'' He says with a smile. ''Wes wes I wan twhat!'' She yelled and came running towards us. ''How about we go on a couple more slides and then meet back at the cars in about an hour?'' Aaron sugested. We all agree and walk our own way. Daya joining the girls again. ''Colbs can we go on that one?'' Sam askes excitedly pointing to a slide. ''Of course baby c'mon.'' I say grabbing his hand walking towards the stairs. ''Can I go first?'' He asked me. ''Yeah of course you can baby.'' I said with a big smile just being happy to have Sam. We go on a couple slides and before we know it the hour is over. We walk back to the car. I grab Sam's hand and he squeezes it lightly. He swings our arms and we are still holding hands seeing we're the first ones there.  I turn around to face Sam. ''Oh hi.'' He says with a smile. ''Hey.'' I say with a big smile. I lean in and press my lips against his. He melts into it. I lick his lips for entrance. He parts his lips and I slid my tounge in right away. It soon turns into a passionate make out. We soon pull away and I look into his eyes. ''Don't fuck against the car.'' Jake said walking towards us with the rest.  Sam and I chuckle a bit. ''Well ready to head back home?'' Tara asked. We all agree and get into the cars. I put my hand on Sam's tight and stat driving.


Hey guyss sory for the late update I was busy I'll try to update more! ANYWAYYSSS THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS!<333

XX Lils!<3

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