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Hey this book will be in Colson's pov unless marked ❤️

"For once in your life will you forget about music and focus on your future" my Dad said sitting at the chair opposite from me hi I'm Colson I'm 18 and the son of one of most powerful demons well we live in a forest of misfits of darkness right beside a town of the living , all the Demons who live here have failed at there life mission and were dumped here ,my father's life mission is to take care of them and mine has not been shown to me yet but it will be when I am 19 so only in a few months. "Dad music is my future" I said not know if it was true I do make music for the human world I go by Machine Gun Kelly but that isn't the point right now "oh my god Colson you know what I mean you need find friends or a lover you need someone in your life because once your life mission is revealed I can't be with you anymore" yes he is right I don't have friends or a lover but I don't need either "Dad come on that's not fair I can handle myself" I said as he frowned "you are popular enough to find a nice girl to help you thew your life mission" I scoffed "ya about that while you already mad" He stood up as I spoke "oh what is it now are you going to do sever your horns" he basically growled as he flashed his wings "no nothing like that, but I don't want a girl" his face softened in confusion "I know but you will at some point" he said in an obvious tone "no Dad Nevermind" he looked confused again "no tell me I want to know" he said as if h actually cared "for fucks sake Dad I'm gay" he just smiled as if he wasn't surprised "ok well then you are popular enough to get a kind boy" I was shocked like really he wasn't going to yell or kick me out "you don't mind" I almost cried he actually accepted me "why would I care who you love at least you can't get anyone pregnant" he laughed "dad you know some males can get pregnant" I said as I laughed with him "ya but it is like one in one hundred" I just smiled and whent one with my day 

One month later 

I was out at around midnight sitting by a pond with my song book when I heard rustling in the bushes "Hello is someone there I won't hurt you" I saw a small boy around my age with a backpack "I don't trust that" I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight so I couldn't see his face he was beautiful he had soft features but no horns or wings "and why not" he looked shocked "b-because you h-have wings and h-horns" I smiled "oh don't mind that come sit lets talk" I said trying to calm him down he breathed heavily for a moment then calmed down and sat beside me "so hottie what's your name" he blushed "Dom what's yours" I sifted closer to him as he moved away from me "Colson but you might know me as Machine Gun Kelly" he shook his head "nope never heard of you" he said with a smile "ok that is even better" he slipped off his bag "so what do you have those are they real" he let out a little giggle "I'm a Demon and yes there real"he stopped laughing "ya and I'm the richest man on earth" he started laughing again "fine don't believe me which this I can tell you three things about you that you haven't told me" "ok try it" my eyes went red and I stared at him "your 17, gay, and are here because you wanted to swim"  he looked at me shocked "yes, actually do you mind if I swim"  "no not at all do you made if I join" he nodded his head we both striped to our boxers and got in "oh shit" he said "what are you ok" he smiled "ya I just wasn't ready for the tattoos but never mind" I chuckled "watch this" I flapped my wings a couple times then hovered over the water for a second as soon  as I got out of the water I realized he was terrified "wow Dom sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he just smiled "I think I need to go" he got out of the water "at lest give me your number,my phone is on the book" he walked over to the book and put his number in my phone a couple minutes later he was still there "did you right this" he questioned looking at me "ya why you can look threw it if you want" a couple minutes later "oh my god this is like my favorite song" he smiled as I pulled myself out of the water "which one" I asked as he kept looking through my book "title track" I smiled "so you have heard of me" "no I swear I didn't know who it was by" I chuckled "well now you can tell your human friends you know me" I smiled there was something about this boy was different "ok I will text you in the morning my mom wants me home" I dried off and put my clothes back "oh I didn't realize you were still there" we were both laughing for a bit "Dom go I want you to be able to come back" he nodded and left as I grabbed my stuff and walked back home. 

Ok thx for reading 💖

Welcome to the Woods (Domson)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin