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Tw: mentioning of throwing up 

I woke up the next morning and walked downstairs to see my Dad drinking coffee at the table "hey Cole, someone keeps calling you" holding up my phone "why do you have my phone" I said then I realized it was Dom "you left it here" I started to feel really bad I like what I  never feel bad then all of the sudden I threw up "are you ok" my dad said standing up "sorry" I said sitting against the wall "for what you don't feel well it is ok just go back upstairs" I got up and went upstairs I felt really sick I can't remember last time I have felt this bad "here is you phone and some water" my Dad said and walked out of my room so I took my phone and called Dom "hey sorry it didn't pick up I don't feel well" he chuckled "I didn't know demons could get sick" he said laughing "ya neither did I" he stopped laughing "wait are you ok" why would he care "what makes you so worried" ok so now I seem defensive great "I thought you were immortal and you seem cool" we met last night that is valid that doesn't hurt "I'm not immortal my Mom was one of you" this couldn't get any worse "firstly one of me do you think your better than us.." "No Dom I don't we are just different" he just hung up on me fuck there goes my one shot at friends.

Skip too 11:30pm (because I have no idea how to fill the time)

There was a couple of knocks at the window waking me up "Colson open the window I want to make sure you aren't dead" I felt heavy and just couldn't make myself get up "oww" I whimpered before throwing up in the trash can beside my bed "Colson can I come in this is unlocked" I just whimpered again and tried to sit up "help" I really want to fix this but I feel terrible , he opened the window "ok don't try to sit up you really don't look well where are you parents" he looked genuinely scared like what was so wrong with me "Dom my Mom is Dead and if you go downstairs you will be too" my voice was weak  "hey listen I will never be able to understand what having one parent is like but why can't I get your Dad you need help and I don't know how Demons work" he slipped off his back pack and started looking for something "half a Demon...." I said as I threw up again "Colson how many times have you done that today" he kept searching through his bag "what" yes I am an idiot I am aware "hey focus how many times have you thrown up" I shook my head "I don't know like a lot". I said then the door opened "hey Cole who is this" my Dad said as Dom stood up "oh my god you look really bad I don't know what to do I don't know about you kind" ok know I really want to know what I look like "it is ok I got him" Dom said I was honestly in shock that he wasn't scared of my dad "umm yet again who are you ,what are you , how do you know my son , and how did you get in here" "shit Colson" Dom said and that is the last thing I remember.

I woke up still not feeling amazing but better I still felt like I couldn't move all I could make out was someone was holding my hand it took for what felt like forever to open my eyes and stat to move "hey Cole how are you feeling" it was my dad of course he was across the room so who was beside me "Colson are you ok" my dad just laughed "hey Dom I'm ok and yes Dad I am feeling better" Dom just put his head back down on my bed "oh my god you guys didn't even take me to the hospital what did you do to me" Dom just sat up and smiled "your new friend is really good with human medicine" my Dad said "but I have questions" he continued "for who" Dom asked sleepily "both of you" Dom grabbed his back pack and basically downed a monster "wow there don't do that, and yes Dad fire away" Dom just gave me a quirky smile "ok so who are you, what are you, how do you know my son, how did you wind up in my house, and when did you two meet" my dads face hardened with each question "Dom, human, I met him at the lake, I knocked on the window and It was open because I needed him to be alive, yesterday" Dom said not missing a beat "ok and you know he is a half Demon wait what yesterday need him alive the fuck" I was shocked my dad is still allowing him to be this close to me "yes I know he is a half demon yes yesterday and he is my only friend" Dom smiled "and you two don't plan on..." "no" "maybe" what just happened "oh ok umm please not tonight you don't feel good remember and do you have parents" my dad got up "I have parents and I told them I needed a night to think" dad nodded and left "you said maybe" oh yea I did that "what are you against it" he blushed "yes absolutely I am against it I met you yesterday and your high" I'm sorry high he got me high "on what" he laughed "water saffron lake water to be exact" ok this is wild "umm what does that mean" he went and laid down on the couch in my room "Do you remember last night that lake is called the saffron lake I just googled it and it would make you sick since you aren't a full human also can I stay here tonight" "yes of course but is everything ok" he stood up from the couch and walked over from me "yes everything is fine I just don't want to be at home right now" does he relies that makes zero sense "ok but why don't you want to be at home  right now" he looks like he wants to cry "my parents are splitting and they want me to choose who I want to live with" ok he is crying how do I handle this "don't cry please I don't handle emotions well" now I look wired also if you don't know my each demon has a life mission and a gift you get your gift when you  are 10 mine is that I can change peoples mind to make them do what I want and venerable people are really easy to control especially if I want something "why" this is bad ok I can handle this "my gift is making people do what I want by warping there emotions" he is still crying "what do you want from me" yep ok this isn't getting better "I can't say it or you have to do it" he just smiled wiping his eyes "ok I believe that" what is wrong with me I met him yesterday I am so stupid "can we go to bed" "yes please" we finally got to sleep in like the day after so technically I have known him for 2 days .

Ok so I am trying to right longer chapters thx for reading ❤️❤️❤️

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