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[Name] POV

Again I was waiting for the ever so famous Sasuke Uchiha to arrive to his session. I was currently managing the front desk because I gave both my best friends the day off today. I sighed, "I really need to put a TV in here."

Suddenly, there was a sudden clear of throat. I stood and without looking addressed the person.
"Ah, Sasuke late ag-"

I paused when I saw it wasn't just Sasuke, but his parents as well. "Ah, welcome back Mr. & Mrs. Uchiha" I smiled trying to stand professionally.

"Unfortunately," Mr. Uchiha muttered.

"I'm sorry?" I questioned.

"Well, we didn't think we'd need to be back here. We thought you'd have this whole situation with Sasuke cleared up by now." Mr. Uchiha said.

"Well, I'm sorry to say this, but a person's mental help varies from person to person Mr.Uchiha. Sasuke needs quite some time to heal and figure out what's going on," I stated.

"Heal? From what?" Mr. Uchiha questioned angrily.

"I can't tell you that, sir. That be breaking confidentiality between my client" I said. That alone seemed to lighten up the light in Sasuke's eyes.

Mr.Uchiha scoffed and squinted angrily at me.

"Oh I see, you're after more money aren't you?"he questioned.

"Uh- no sir re-"

"Well, I won't stand to give you another cent" he exclaims.

Technically, they still haven't paid me since the first session...

"Family we are leaving. We'll find a more efficient therapist" he said. The family was leaving and Sasuke slowly and sadly followed.

"Technically speaking I can only break sessions with Sasuke if he demands to quit them" I said.

Sasuke perked up a bit.

"Ridiculous I am his father," he said.

"But, he is an adult" I said.

"Well, then Sasuke tell her then" Mr. Uchiha said.

Sasuke hesitated. I haven't seen him this discomposured not even when drunk.

"I- I think these sessions are helping me dad.." Sasuke said avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Sasuke, if you say this I won't pay for it" Mr.Uchiha said.

"That's fine" Sasuke muttered.

The tension was so bad in the room that even breathing it was deadly.

Mr. Fugaku turned around. "Very well, Sasuke. [Ms. Last Name].... We will be in touch. I'll be in the car." he said before leaving. Sasuke silently left without looking in my direction. He probably felt too vulnerable to speak. Mrs. Uchiha was left there smiling. I was a little frightened she gave off a serial killer vibe. I couldn't explain it any other way. She clapped her hands together and walked towards me.

"[Name], I have a solution that I think is for.... the best as they say"

Dammit of all days to die it would be when Temari and Hinata aren't here. I told them I would die in front of them so I wouldn't have to walk far when I haunt them.

"I think starting today you'll be hired as Sasuke's personal on hand therapist" she smiled.


"Don't worry I'll make sure to pay you triple for your time" she said.


"Oh, I almost forgot to pay you for those previous times" she cut me off as shevwent through her purse.

"Sorry, I only carry cash. My husband handles the checks. Teehee" she giggled as she slapped down huge stacks of bills.

I was stunned. Frozen.

"Anyways, here's our address. I expect you at the house on weekends 24/7 so bring some sleep clothes. Oh and lets also throw in some Tuesdays too since I'm usually away wine tasting. Haha" she said.

It's official, she expects me to act as a baby sitter for this man.

"Anyway, see you tomorrow at 5pm, byeeee~" she smiled and waved as she left.

"I...I... What just happened?"

I looked at the stack of money in my arms, and fainted. When I awoke I was laying in someones lap. I looked up and saw Hinata. She gasped.

"[N-Name] Are you okay? We found you laying here" she said.

"We?" I questioned.

She pointed in a direction and I saw Temari rolling in the stacks of money... I sweatdropped. Good to know she has her priorities...

"Thank you, I'm alright" I said standing up slowly.

"What happened? How'd you get the cash" Temari questioned.

"One, stopping bathing in it and two the Uchiha family hired me as Sasuke's personal therapist," I said.

"Wait?" They both questioned.

"Yeah, everything happened so fast. I think I was bribed, but I guess it worked, but only if Sasuke agrees. He is the one that's my patient after all. I doubt he'll agree." I said.

"Why you always gotta bring the downside. Now, all I'm thinking is what if he doesn't agree. Uh, I see myself working in my forties now... sigh my life is over" Temari dramatically as she "fainted" and Hinata caught her.

"Calm down, guys. He'll still be my patient but I doubt he'll agree to being my personal patient"


I knocked on the door to the Uchiha house.
Sasuke wearing black sweatpants and a black tank top, opened the door. He was surprised and confused.  I don't know why I looked away. I guess I was used to him wearing formal attire.

"I was hired as personal on-hand therapist" I muttered focusing on his face.

His confusion formed into an evil smirk as he spoke the binding words that bind my soul to his family's contract.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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