mission: start

753 19 2

If there was one thing Rain was good at, it was making a fool of himself in front of Apple. Anytime she was around him he became a bumbling idiot. Well, more so than normal. He would struggle with full sentences and would trip over his own feet. It was becoming a problem. He always wanted Apple to see his good side, but of course his anxiety wouldn't let that happen.

Sky unfortunately had to witness his friend make a fool of himself on a near daily basis. They were all in the same classes for their major. Meaning every day Rain would pump himself up, give himself a pep talk and then walk into the classroom and immediately fail. Apple obviously knew about Rain's feelings for her. She never showed any interest though, and only seemed to want to be his friend. While Rain was happy to have her as a friend, he still wanted to impress her. So, Sky said he would help. He just couldn't stand to see Rain fail all the time.

"Rain, how have you not heard of Phayu?" Apple gasped. She held her hand over her heart in a dramatic gesture. She and Sky had been talking about Phayu's last comeback and how they were sad that promotions had ended so soon. Then Rain chimed in asking who Phayu even was. In this day and age it was unheard of for someone not to know who Phayu was. He was Thailand's biggest solo artist. A household name.

"I don't keep up with that stuff." Rain said with a shrug. Sky shook his head. His friend definitely wasn't going to impress Apple when he didn't even know who her favourite idol was.

"He's the greatest singer ever!" Apple declared. "He used to be in a group called DRoP. But the group was only temporary and when they broke up he started his own solo career. All of his music is written by him and he helps compose as well! He's so good at everything he does!"

"Isn't DRoP that group Sky took you to see in December?" Rain asked, raising an eyebrow. Obviously he knew Phayu, but he didn't /know/ Phayu. Sky and Apple constantly talked about him and the group he apparently used to be in. He tried to keep up with it, but it never really worked.

"Yes, and Phayu is the idol who's Valentine's Day event you took me to!" Apple said cheerfully.

Rain couldn't help it when he rolled his eyes. They had a mind of their own, honestly. It's not that he didn't care about what Apple was into, he just didn't care about the idol himself. So what if he knows how to sing? Rain can sing too. Actually he was fairly good at it. He got told whenever he got caught singing that he should try and do something with it.

"He just got done promoting his last comeback. Which means we probably won't get to see him for a long time." Apple said, a small pout forming on her lips. "But he beat so many records with this comeback!"

Rain was about to say something but caught himself. It didn't matter what his opinion was. Apple looked so happy talking about Phayu that he just couldn't bring himself to. Why would he want to ruin that smile? He sighed, taking a drink of his soda. He watched as his two friends began to talk excitedly again about the singer. This is often how their hang outs would go.

Apple's eyes would sparkle every time she said Phayu's name. She pulled out her phone, showing Sky a few photos of the singer. Sky nodded, pointing out some things in the photos. As Rain watched, his mind started to wander. Would it really be that hard to become an idol? These days it seemed like most people could do it. So why couldn't he?

Maybe if he became an idol, Apple would finally notice him. He turned to look at Apple, a smile forming on his lips. She was looking between her phone and Sky, still talking about the photos. She truly was so cute when she was excited about something. Even if it was about someone else. Rain could take it.

I can do it. I'll become an idol. Apple will look at me like that one day. I just know it! Rain thought to himself. Now if only he could figure out how to find auditions. That's something he would look for when he got home. They were currently on break from university, which would give him time to join and at least start training. It would be difficult to work and still be in school, but for Apple, he would do anything.

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