cause i really like like you

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Phayu fought waking up for as long as he could

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Phayu fought waking up for as long as he could. The thought of getting up and having to face the real world was the farthest thing from appealing. He sighed, going to move his arm but froze when he felt resistance. He fully opened his eyes, a smile immediately forming on his lips. Rain had fallen asleep almost instantly when they got into bed, and apparently neither of them had moved through the night.

As carefully as he could he slipped his arm out from under Rain. The movement made Rain shift in his sleep, snuggling more into his pillow. Phayu smiled, brushing some strands of hair out of his face. Rain was absolutely adorable when he slept. He pressed a gentle kiss to Rain's forehead, carefully getting up from the bed.

Last night felt like a dream. So many times he played the interaction in his head, trying to think of how it would go. Never did he think that he would have ended up waking up in Rain's bed. The younger boy kept surprising him. He made his way down to the living room, searching for his phone. In the chaos of everything last night, even after coming back down to grab his clothes before going to bed, he couldn't find his phone. The sound of his phone vibrating against something was a relief. He got down on his hands and knees, looking under the coffee table.

"Bingo." He said, reaching under to grab it. Why his phone was going off so much he didn't know. When he looked at his notifications, every single one of them was from Prapai. He groaned, rolling his eyes. Of course he would be nosy this early in the morning. Phayu ignored the messages from his friend, sending a message to his manager about not feeling well. He never took time off, they could handle a day without him.

When he walked back into Rain's room he once again snuck a photo of Rain. Soon they would be able to post photos together and no one would question anything. But he wanted photos to himself, ones that only he knew the full context to. His phone buzzed with another text notification from Prapai. His friend wouldn't leave him alone until he got a response.

Prapai was annoying, but sometimes he could be helpful

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Prapai was annoying, but sometimes he could be helpful. When he had told Prapai about the kiss in his car and Rain's response, it was his friend's idea to allow him the space that it seemed Rain so desperate to get. What he wasn't expecting was it to hurt so much. He ended up trying to keep himself busy with too much work. Every day he waited for a text, an email, anything from Rain.

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