Chapter Four

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Lo'ak and Naweya are both in the reef, swimming, laughing and playing around. "Hey, watch this," he pulls his Ilu up and flips over the water. She laughs hysterically at him. It still amazed her, his light blue skin, his freckles lighting up under the moonlight. She has only known him for a few days now, but it feels like she has known him forever, with their connection still continuing to grow.

Her friendship with Kiri has only grown more than what she expected it would when they first met. They would sit with each other for hours, collecting seashells for Tuk.

Lo'ak signed, leaning back against his Ilu, looking towards the stars that now shine brightly. Eclipse is the best time to be in the ocean. All the sea life glows, leaving trails of colors. This is her home, and she loves it. She glances at Lo'ak, admires him from afar. If only she could hold that face in her palms.

The next morning her, Tuk and Kiri were sitting on the rocks on the shore, feeding an Ilu. "So, what's it like having a crush on my brother," Kiri states, chuckling at Tuk, who had been splashed by the Ilu. 

Naweya chokes on her breath, coughing to gain control. "Huh," she stares at Kiri, dumbfounded by the statement. "Everyone can see it, you two ogle each other, it's quite cute really," She starts laughing hysterically when Naweya slaps her shoulder. "Please don't tell anyone," she begs, giving Kiri her best doll eyes. "Okay, okay," she breathes, getting over her laughing. "Come help me feed her Kiri," Tuk shoves a fish in Kiri's face as she points to the Ilu she has now named Shelly.

From a distance, Naweya spots Jake, watching them carefully. She hasn't spoken to Jake before, only having heard him talk to her parents. She gives him a light wave, he smiles and waves back before going back to whatever he was doing.

Someone taps her shoulder, making her jump slightly. The person, who she realizes is Lo'ak, apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck. She greets him with a tap to her head. She motions the spot next to her for him to sit.

 As he sits, she stares out into the ocean, getting lost in her own thoughts, though she feels his gaze, drilling into her. She thinks about her parents, her real parents. She feels a tear slide down her face, Lo'ak notices this tear, and wipes it away with his thumb. She quickly wipes her eyes of any tears that would fall. 

"Sorry," she says, facing Lo'ak with a sad smile. "Wanna talk about it," he asked, concerned on why she was crying when she was only laughing moments ago. "Not really," she shrugged, it hurt too much. He gives her a look of understanding and doesn't press on.

He grabs her hand, rubbing his thumb along her knuckles. "Thank you for understanding," she thanked, squeezing his hand in comfort. Since she had met Lo'ak, she had also felt safe around him, never out of place like she does at home.

Later that day, Naweya and Lo'ak were walking around, laughing at each other. When they saw Ao'nung and his friends teasing Kiri. The moment Ao'nung grabs Kiri's arm, Lo'ak goes over, "Hey!," he calls, getting Ao'nung's attention, his tail whipping wildly. 

"Back off fishlips," Ao'nung let's go, smirking arrogantly. "Oh, another four-fingered freak," Ao'nung taunted. His friend grabs onto Lo'ak's tail. 'Look at this baby tail," he laughs, pulling harder. "Guys, stop this," Naweya tries to calm them down, but nobody is listening to her. "Don't touch me," Lo'ak pushes Ao'nung and his friend away from him. Naweya bites her lip, she has never seen Ao'nung act like this. 

She knew her brother could be an asshole, but not to this extent. "Leave us alone," Kiri yells, annoyed at this stupid fight. Naweya saw Neteyam stomp over, a fierce look in his eyes. He shoves Ao'nung.

The tension changed, Naweya was scared that this could go badly. "You heard what she said," Looking directly into Ao'nungs eyes, challenging him. Neteyam pushes his finger Ao'nungs chest. "Leave her alone," Naweya is glad Neteyam is here. Ao'nung's friend goes to insult Neteyam, but Ao'nungs quiets him with his hand. 

"Back off," Neteyam showed his fangs. "Now," He lightly shoves Ao'nung with his finger. Ao'nung looks at the group, expression unchanged. He puts his hands up in surrender. "Good choice," Neteyam nodded his head. Looking at the group. "And from now on, I need you to respect my sister," He looked at Ao'nung, daring him to disobey. Ao'nung's friend hissed, but again, Ao'nung held him back. 

Naweya noticed Kiri sticking her tongue at them, and laughed to herself, wishing she had the confidence to do that. Neteyam went to Lo'ak and grabbed his shoulder. "Let's go," she nodded to Naweya and Kiri to make them follow. "Bye bye," Naweya sighed, how can her brother be friends with these people, like seriously, shaking her head at the thought.

As they turn to walk away, Ao'nung starts whispering about how they are such freaks. Lo'ak stops, seeming agitated by the words. "No, Lo'ak," Naweya tries to stop him. "I got this Naya," Holding his hand out to her. She blushes at the nickname, never being called that before. He walks towards Ao'nung, a swagger in his step. "I know this hand is funny," he puts his hand up, showing his fingers.

 "Look, I'm a freak, alien" he wiggles his pinky, Ao'nung seeming somewhat intrigued. "But it can do something really cool," he smirks.

 "Watch," he has got Ao'nungs full attention now. "First, you roll it up real tight," he demonstrates, folding his hand into a ball. "Ok, then-" he punches Ao'nung straight in the face. 

Naweya's eyes widened, no one had dared to punch her brother before, not like that. He repeatedly punches him until he falls to the ground, surprised filling his face. "It's called a punch, bitch."

"Don't ever touch my sister again," they all start hissing at Lo'ak, angered by the assault. Ao'nung charges at Lo'ak, grabbing by his waist then taking him to the ground. 

Lo'ak overpowers him with a punch, throwing him off. That's when two of them came over and pulled at his tail, the last coming over and slapping him in the face with their tail. Naweya watches, slightly amused but also disappointed that they are fighting over something that could've ended with simple words.

She looks at Neteyam who smiles and scratches his head. "Neteyam," Naweya says carefully, knowing what he is thinking of doing. He looks at her and gives her a smirk, a mischievous look in his eyes. 

He runs forward and punches one of them directly in the face, knocking him down. He gets tackled down by another. "This is so stupid!" Kiri yells over the yelling, even though she was the victim, she still has a smirk on her face, secretly enjoying the fight.

"Ow, my tail!" Lo'ak yells, as someone pulls at his tail, Naweya laughs at this. "Ow my ear!" The one Lo'ak has by the ear yells, as he is getting dragged. Kiri and Naweya start laughing, unable to hold in their enjoyment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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