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Everyone in this world is born with a instinct that at 15 years old, a song connecting them with their soulmate.

《Clay's POV》

Nick, my bestfriend that lives with me, yelled out.

"Fine.." i said loud enough for him to hear me, but not yelling.

•Timeskip brought to you by my lazy and unmotivated ass•

As im entering the store im looking down at my phone, not paying attention, trying to get this annoying song stuck in my head out.

I run into someone,  his hair dark brown, and these beautiful eyes, ones brown the other is blue.
"Im so sorry i wasnt paying attention-" i start, but he cuts me off saying

"No no, its all okay, here let me help you up" he says as he stands up and extends his hand to help me up which i kindly except, once im up i see that he is shorter than me, but not by much, i am only 5'11, hes about 5'6 from estimation.
I say thank you and he walks ways humming a song.... my song!

I start to chace after him to try and confirm that i was hearing things correctly, but once I turned around, he was gone, i swore that that's how it went, because he hummed the lyrics to what was playing through my head at that moment going 'sometimes all i think about is you.... late nights in the middle of june....'. I just have to figure out who he is, but first I have to get the cheese for Nick, I almost forgot!

•294 words•
•I'm sorry I know this was terrible and so short and like no one is gonna read this😭, but if someone does I hope I make your day as happy as some books on here have made mine!•
《I did not put the real hights and i put real names, i know, also idk why but sapnap is gonna have a cheese obsession, and dream is still gonna call him pandas, but I will not use the names like 'sapnap' or 'dream' in here》

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