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《Nick's POV》
"That's him?" I ask

"Mhm" clay responded

"Ok well it says ge lives at ****** so you could just go up and ask for the song"


"What why not?"

"He'll think I'm a creep since I know his address, it has so be somewhere public" he explains

"Their a park nearby, you could wait for him there" I said as I pointed to a park area on the map of the screen

"Sure, I'll get going then" he said as he stood up and left me alone.

《Clay's POV》
I stood up and left the room, going towards the park that Nick pointed out, on my way there I see him, and I'm not sure why but my stomach is fluttering and doing flips seeing him, it was weird, I have never felt this way for anybody before.

I build up the confidence and walk over to him

"Hello" I say trying not to startle him, he turns around quickly, his beautiful eyes looking at me as I almost melt.

"Hello? What do you need?" He responded

"I'm sorry for bothering you but I need to know what's your soulmate song, when we bumped into each other at the store, I swear I heard you sing my song as you walked away.." I said trying to explain

His eyes were just in pure confusion, as he answered

"I'm not gay"

He said, tearing my still beating heart out of my chest and throwing it on the ground.

"Can you just answer the question please?" I say trying to be polite as possible

"Heatwaves, by glass animals" he responded, turning around and leaving. I pull out my phone as the song in my head started to replay, louder and louder 'heatwaves been faking me out... cant make you happier now...'

I knew the song was mine

"Wait!" I called running after him

"I told you I'm not f#cking gay!" He yelled back, I knew he knew that we were soulmates

"But-" I got cut off by the sound of cars crashing, and screams.


•346 words•

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