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"But-" I got cut off by the sounds of cars crashing and screaming.
《Clay's POV》
The next thing I know is black. Everything is black, its surrounds me, i try to scream for help but it doesn't work, my voice is gone, and I dont know what happened.





I hear the occasional sound of a heart monitor then talking, I cant really make out what is being said, but I know it's a male talking, I can hear a few words like 'boy' 'name' and 'what' but nothing to figure out what is happening, it's hard to hear as the heart monitor is getting louder and louder, then nothing.

I wake up after who knows how long, everything is still black and I still cant talk, but the heart monitor has lowered enough to hear what's going on around me.

"So again, how do you know this man?" A voice asked, he sounded like he was on the older side.

"I cant say he's my friend, I guess acquaintances..?" Another voice spoke, it was george! Why is he here? I thought he didnt care about me.

"I'm his bestfriend like brother, we live together." I could tell it was pand- Nick.

"Alright, and who was at the scene of the crash?" The older man said again.

"I was" george responded

I was tired of not being able to do anything, I tried my very hardest to make noise, but all that cam out was a peep, but they seemed to notice it and I could hear clothes moving signaling that they were turned to look at me.

"Is he awake?" Nick asked

"It seems he's still in a coma, but I'm not sure if he can hear us of move, its clear he can make noise though" the older man replied.

Wait... COMA??!! I'm so stupid for not figuring this out sooner, I'm in a damn coma, I tried to move.

No shot.

I tried to make another noise as they still were looking at me and were quiet,

"Wha" it was small, and very quite but they definitely heard it.

"Clay! Make a noise if you can hear every word were saying!" Said Nick in excitement

I made a noise

"Doctor!! He can hear us" george said happily

"Well he still isnt awake from the coma so we cant bother him as much as we would, let's give him some time to rest boys"

"Alright, bye clay" the two boys said in sync.

And I was alone... again

•424 words•
•《bro I have like no inspiration right now, I'm also in church while doing this so yea- I just wanna say that I have no idea on how a coma works so I'm just making stuff up, lord help me》•

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