Season 1 episode 1

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Hey, Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here, and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: "Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen." Was it only a year ago our It Girl mysteriously disappeared for "boarding school" and just as suddenly she's back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves. Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo, Mel.

Spotted lonely boy can't believe the love of his life has returned only if she knew who he was. Every knows Serena and everyone is talking wonder what Blair and Delilah think sure they were bffs but I always thought Blair's boyfriend Nate had a thing for Serena

As Delilah read that post she could help but think about life when Serena was here and how that now she's back all the spot light goes of her and back onto Serena. Delilah was snapped back to reality when she heard her dad talk

" so Nate thought about college" a man says " well actually am I Dartmouth man" her dad says " yes dads always spoken very highly of Dartmouth but I would like to check out west maybe ucla " Nate says " his mother wouldn't here of it Dartmouth is far enough away for her" her dad says " well yes Dartmouth is my first choice" Nate says " what about the gorgeous Delilah what college have u thought about" the man says looking at Delilah then she looks at her dad who was giving her a worrying look " well my hopes are on LCCA the fashion college in London I would love to get into there" Delilah says then sipping her drink " I don't know what it is with these children of mine wanting to move so far away there mother would have a heart attack we're hoping to get her into Yale" her dad says and she just rolls her eyes " excuse me captain Nate can I borrow u" Blair says " umm sure " Nate says then they walk off " am going to the toilet" Delilah says quickly leaving the conversation

Delilah pov

I quickly had to get out of that conversation my dad never listen to me I don't want to go to Yale but my dad doesn't understand that. As I wondered off I find chuck sat with iz and karti "move " I say to them and they quickly get up and move to the other sofa " what's got you all angry" chucks says then I sit down and he puts his arm around my waist " my dad trying to drive me to go to Yale" I say putting my head on his shoulder " omg someone saw Serena getting off a train at grand central" iz says " good things were getting a little dull around here" chuck says and I look at him and get up to walk and find Nate as I trun the Conor there she is " Serena omg your back" I say " omg hey d how are u " she says coming over and hugging me " am good sorry I need to go find Nate all talk to u later though" I say then walk off I wasn't actually going to find Nate I just needed fresh air

I walk outside and as I get out there chuck was sitting there smoking a joint " hey " I say sitting next to him " want some" he say and I nod my head and he passes me it " why she back and we're did she actually go" I say " idk but Serena van der woodsin doesn't just disappear for moths because she slept with her best friends boyfriend" chuck says " be careful Blair  could here u say that" I says " what she needs to find out soon anyway she can't believe Nate so innocent for ever "

I walked back inside to find Blair just to check she's okay " hey b u okay" I say " I just can't believe she's back it doesn't feel right" Blair says

Word is that s bailed on b party in under 90 seconds she didn't Evan have one lemon chow has a bad girl really gone good or is it all just part on the act why she leave why she return send me all the dets and who am I that one secret I'll never tell the only one xoxo gossip girl

The next day
I sat on the steps of the met while Blair and her Minions were looking at the invitation for the kiss on the lips party " not bad work and here yours as promised" Blair says to Jenny the girl who had made them " thanks" Jenny's says grabbing the invitation " there so good Jenny u did an amazing job" I say " omg thank u so much" she says giving me a excited smile I kind of felt bad for her Blair is just going to have her running around doing things for her "here u guys are I look all over the dining hall for you oh hi am Serena " Serena says " I know, I mean hi am Jenny" Jenny says shaking Serena hand " so when's the party" Serena says picking up my invitation from beside me " Saturday" I says grabbing it back of her " and your kind of not invited" Blair says " since until 12 hours ago everyone thought u we're at boarding school"i says trying to make u situation better " now we're full and Jenny used up all the invites " Blair says " umm actually" Jenny goes to say but Blair cuts her of " u can go now" Blair says " sorry" I say " no it's okay I've got a lot of stuff to do anyway" Serena says " well we should get going then d u coming " Blair says to me while standing up " no I'll stay" I say " Blair think we could meet tonight" Serena says " I'd love to but am doing something with Nate tonight" Blair says " palace 8 o'clock Nate will wait " Serena says

Spotted on the steps of the met s and b power struggle
" i could probably do I half hour" Blair says
Did s think she could waltz home and things would be just like they were
"Thanks for making the time" Serena says " your my best friend " Blair says
Did b think s would go down without a fight or can these two hotties work it out there nothing more then gossip girl likes more then a good cat fight and this could be a classic

After that Serena comes and sit next to me " did u miss these fights while u we're gone" I says " no wish I could go back" she says laughing " I missed u s" I says putting my head on her shoulder " missed u to d" she says side hugging me

I decided to go see chuck so I went to the palace bar to see if he was there when I walk In Serena came running out and chuck came walking towards me " what did u do" I say laughing " nothing u need to know want a drink" he says putting his arm around my waist " how could I say no I need to drown my thoughts in a dirty martini" I say as we walk closer to the bar " a dirty martini for a dirty girl" he says " oh bass am not the dirty one here" I say sitting down and he sits next to me " want to take are clothes of and find out" he says smirking " no I have better things to be doing "last week u didn't" he says knowing that would get under my skin "last week I was very bored"

It's the day of the kiss on the lips and my dad and Nate made me coming running with them " can use two slow down am not made for running " I say out of breath trying to catch up " we're not Evan running that fast this is cos u skip pe and haven't been going to ballet" Nate says " u haven't been going to ballet Delilah I pay 10,000 a year for u to do that" he says " but dad it's so boring now can I just quit" I say " no Delilah this is something that will get u into Yale" he says " omg Yale again I don't want to go to Yale I want to do to LCCA" I shout " your not going to London your staying here" he says " Uggg your so annoying" I say then run off
Nates pov
" your sister needs to learn that am not letting her move to London to probably get human traffic or killed people don't like are family and she's an easy target" my dad says " ye but dad u can't put down her dreams that easy she really want to study fashion" I say " well she can find one closer and if not she's going to Yale" he says

Delilah Archibald fighting with her daddy again u can't run away every time d
Delilah pov
I got to this kiss on the lips party and me and chuck were stood by the bar " who's the newbie" he says leaning closer to me " Jenny Humphrey she a freshman" I say " I love freshman there so" chuck says " fresh" Izz says "anything about here on gossip girl" " no not till your done with her" I say and his kisses my forehead and walks off

While talking Blair minions all are phones go off " serena here" they both say and I see Blair so I quickly walk over to her " hey u okay" I say to her " ye just your brother annoying me" she says laughing while we were talking Serena comes walking through the party with a boy and Jenny so me and Blair walk closer to the door " she better not show her face again" Blair says " am actually hoping she will" chuck says coming behind use

Spotted serena making a heroic exit from b party to bad for her there school on Monday so until next time u know u love me xoxo gossip girl

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