Epsiode 18

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I wake up to me chuck and Blair all in  my bed together and I scream " what " Blair says jumping up " why the fuck are you screaming" chuck shouts " omg I think I just had a minor heart attack we were all hugging it was weird why though" I say getting of the bed so does Blair  " we were up late plotting against Georgina we must of dozed off" chuck says " and you were on the floor" Blair says to chuck " I didn't want to hurt my back" he says " well it's not like you ever  do anything athletic anyway" I say walking over to the mirror " well that's not entirely true now is it" he says " fine nothing that requires you removing your scarf" I say " that was one time it was chilly" chuck says " enough about the past" Blair shouts picking up her bag " before you landed in Delilah's bed we actually landed on a good idea" Blair's says walking back over then chuck jumps up and threw his blazer on " well I trust you two can take it from here I have a best man speech to write and no time to write it" chuck says " don't worry we can be bitchy enough for all of us" I say " I still have the scars on my back from both of you to prove it" chuck says and Blair pushes him "bye" I say and he gives me a kiss and leaves " ewww you two are disgusting" she says then I walk into my bathroom

I was late to meet my dad and Nate for a run so I ran as fast as I could and when I got there they had finished " hey am sorry am late" I say and my dad gives me a side hug and a kiss on my forehead " it's okays honey umm Nate we can celebrate tonight at the wedding" he says " when's mom getting back from the Hamptons" I say " she's not gonna make it landscapers royally screwed up the yard apparently all our shrubs look like circus bears" he says then laughs " she gonna miss the wedding to deal with that" Nate says " that and the leak we had in the basement place is a mess" my dad says " I just was kind of hoping both of you guys could meet Vanessa" Nate says and I roll my eyes " oh right I forgot you had a date well me and use to could just hang till then the yankees are on today Jobas pitching lights out" he says " all right sounds good" Nate says " ye sounds sooo fun" I say sarcastically then my dads phone rings " I gotta take this it's my sponsor" he says " oh sorry" Nate says " we will see you at home then" I say and me and Nate walk off

" what's up with you recently" Nate says as we walk home " nothing why" I say " why do u hate Vanessa" he stops walking and turns to me " because she called me a bitch and acts like one to me I've never done anything just because am rich but so are u so I don't get the problem" I say " we'll be nicer" he says and starts walking again " no now am going to Blair's cos we have business to do" I say then walk off

When I get to Blair's Dan was there " oh okay why is Dan here" I say walking in " he's the main part of are plan don't worry he called Georgina asking to meet we are eating for her to call back " Blair says then the phone rings " right on schedule" Blair says then he answers the phone

Me Blair and Dan go to the park Dan and Georgian were talking and me and Blair were waiting to come out " your just going to leave me all alone " she says " ohh your not alone g" I say as we and Blair walk behind her " we're here now and we brought some people who really really wanna see you" Blair says "I think you remember your parents" I say then her mom and dad walk over " okay mom dad this is not what you think you have to believe me" she says " there there Georgie it's gonna be okay" Blair says handing her a tissue "no this time it won't" her mom says " or it won't your parents we're so worried g they told us everything how your supposed to be on the equestrian circuit but sold your pony for cocaine" I say " that was a difficult time but I put that behind me" Georgina says " when you were in rehab" Blair says " it's hard to get clean when you hitchhike into town" I say " steal a creator card and book a ticket to Ibiza" Blair says " you didn't see where they sent me that place was awful. It was in Utah at least I lasted longer then lohan" she says " we were trying to help" here mom says " I've had enough I need to go" she says " Georgina stop" her dad says " yes stay Georgina we will go" Blair says " oh that reminds me I almost forgot to leave you with the information we discussed with your parents" I say handing her a leaflet " what's this" she says " we're your going" her dad says "a boot camp for troubled girls" her mom says " Blair and Delilah were kind enough to do some research" her dad says " haven't you heard" I say " we're the crazy bitches around here" Blair says " have fun in reform school" i say then me and Blair link and walk off then high five

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