Episode 4

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Hey, Upper East Siders. There's nothing Gossip Girl likes more than a surprise and we hear Blair Waldorf got a two for one special. Her mom, Eleanor, who just returned from Paris and Serena van der Woodsen, brunch buddies. And we also here that Delilah Archibald out shopping with her mom but doesn't seem to be enjoying it

My mom had me going around a load of clothes shops trying on clothes that she we wear I looked like someone mom "are u being serious" I say truing around to face her "aww u look gorgeous" my mom says playing with my hair and messing around with the
dress " i look like u that's not a good thing" I say walking over to a rack picking up a tight baby pink dress with a white bow " look this one's so much nicer" I say and I go try it on "it's to revealing look how cleavage it shows" she says "omg am done with this" I say throwing my clothes back on and walking out the shop

Spotted Delilah Archibald storming out of bergdorfs what up d something got up all angry

I decided to go check on Nate and chuck before there lost weekend " hi" I say walking in and going to sit on the bar stool "what up u look furious" Nate says " mom trying to dress me like her she was stressing me out" I say " found it pj" chuck says holding a watch " can't u call it a watch" I say " if it cost more ten grand it earns a name" chuck says " how about this" Nate hand chuck a baseball " definitely this" he says he was locking all his valuable things away " why it's just a baseball" I say " it's bayruths cold shot the most famous homer he ever hit, better safe then sorry" chuck says locking the draw then someone knocks at the door "well that my que to leave have fun boys " I say I hug Nate and then hug chuck and he kisses my forehead

Chucks pov :
"Who brought the Sasquatch" I say as cater baizen walked in " isn't that cater baizen I haven't seen him since he was a senior and we were in 8th grade he looks tension " Nate says " are u high he looks like Mathew mcconaughey between movies the guys a loser look anyone who trades there trust fund for a fanny pack flies in the face of all that is holy to chuck bass" I say knowing what he did to Delilah that on summer Nate would kill him see I would kill him but Delilah doesn't want anyone to know " Nate Archibald, is that u" carter says " baizen my man I heard you went rogue" Nate says " and I live to tell about it" Carter says

Nate was sat talking to him I wish I could just tell him what he did to his sister " so I don't understand the last time I saw your sister she said your family had locked you out and you'd fallen off the face of the earth" Nate says " I didn't I just fell off the face of theirs but once you turn away from money you see it doesn't buy you freedom it pays for your prison they say I disappear but all I did was break out" Carter says " where'd u go" Nate says " where didn't I, I aided the clean up post Katrina spent a year rebuilding Machu Picchu which let me tell u it's changed my life I brought an hd cam and stared filming it for a documentary" cater says " your the guy who gave us our first joint snuck us into our first club and your gonna tell me the life of a YouTube film maker is better than this you invented the lost weekend " I say " hey who cares about a party when you can travel the world" Nate says why is he Evan at sticking up for him  " exactly in the real world the only thing that matters is who you are not what you own" cater says " as much as I love the speech about not needing material things from a guy who has that much product in his hair this party is about excess not exposition stop talking start partying now here is something that doesn't need material as a matter of fact it's about to come off who's with me"I say " I think I'm just gonna hang here for a bit" Nate says " fine I'd hate to break up a matched set anyway" I says and walk away

Nate pov:
" so how's your sister" cater says " oh she's good u know just herself as always shopping and stuff like that" I say " so what up with her and chuck" cater says " oh there just best mates he's just protective of her with other boys" I say

Delilah pov:
I was sat on the couch watching a movie when I get a message it was chuck " come outside now I need your help, it's your brother" I quickly run and grab my jacket throw on a pair of shoes and run to the limo " omg what up is Nate okay" I says " no cater back in town and my watch and baseball are missing and I think it has something to do with them" chuck says " wait what Carter back the same cater who drugged me and tried to rape me" I say straying to panic " yes but I need your help am sorry I have to put u through this" he says grabbing my hand " no it's fine I need to help Nate" I say

We walk in and cater is stood there while Nate is getting held by three men " I'm trying to help u out" cater says " yeah you're a real freind" chuck says " who, let u in here bass oh and look who it is your sister Delilah Archibald aww my favourite Archibald I do believe we have unfinished business" cater says " shut up don't talk to her" chuck says " he set me up" Nate says " no one forced his hand your boy lost fair and square" cater says " did you" chuck says " look man if you don't get the money right away I'm gonna tell everyone where you live and they can get it from your daddy what do u think of that" cater says then chuck pulls him aside " look look you got my watch and my ball you keep them take care of these guys and I don't call the cops and tell them that u drugged her and tried to rape her and we walk out of here " chuck says " it's cool I got it I got" cater say and they let go of Nate "let's go Nate" I say pulling him along

We get back to chucks and Nate was on his computer trying to transfer chuck money " I'm gonna have to transfer some money and pray the captain doesn't notice before I find a way to put it back " Nate says " if dad catches u doing this he will flip u caught me doing it last year and he changed all me passwords and would let me have them for a year" I say laughing " you don't have to pay me back you know I mean it was write every cent to see the last of that guy" chuck says " no I want I mean it thanks, that can't be right" Nate says " what's up " I say walking over to him " it's says I'm zeroed out" Nate says " maybe you have the wrong account" chuck says " no no no no there must be something wrong I accessed this account last mouth and it said there was almost 200,000" Nate says " wait move I better have money in mine " I say  and I log on " omg no I have no money" I say

" hey Tom thanks for getting back to me  so quickly" Nate says " your message said it was important" Tom says " um yeah so me and Delilah were checking are accounts and we cake across what we assume to be an error and that are trust fund seems to have zero balance" Nate says " oh uh I thought use both knew your accounts were drained weeks ago" Tom says " drained by who" I say grabbing the phone " your father he said he discussed it with both of you" Tom says then Nate hangs up the phone

Cater baizen back in town and the Archibald twins looking disappointed what up guys got no money well we don't know xoxo gossip girl

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