Epsiode 16

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Spotted: Jenny Humphrey wading in the Met fountain fishing for change. Blair Waldorf seen dallying with an off duty doorman at the Blarney Stone on a Monday night. It looks like the battle between the Queen B and Little J has moved from the streets to the blogs. Who's sending this debasing dish? I have a feeling...

As I got to school I had to go find Blair because she was freaking out and she couldn't find Serena because she was with Dan she was just freaking out because she didn't get invited to Jenny party " it's a snub from one party b plus what's the big deal you don't Evan like Asher"I say " I don't like last seasons Louis Vuitton patchwork bag either but that doesn't mean I wanna see it all over town on Jenny Humphrey's arm" Blair's says " touché" i start laughing " what do u say we have a girls night out tonight" Blair says " ye I think I can am not sure " and I give her an apologetic look but she doesn't get it " let me remind you a little promise you made I'll be there for you whenever you need me"i made this promise when we were like 5 but I feel bad on her " I'm really sorry I've been distant but things will be better soon I promise I'll go out tonight " then I hug her

After school Blair made me come around to hers because she made me rob Asher phone who Jenny is dating " hey b" I say as I walk into her bedroom " whoever said money doesn't buy happiness didn't know where to shop lucky for me I may have to go out tonight after all did you get it" then I pull the phone out of my bag and hand it to her " lucky for you I know five ways to sneak into the unity boys locker room and six to sneak out"then we both laugh and look though his phone " why do u want his phone so badly" I say " it was once said that a person eyes are the windows to their soul that's was before people had cell phones" then Blair's downloads all his stuff onto her laptop

While I was getting ready chuck rang me " hey" I say answering the phone " hey gorgeous what are u doing" he says " ohh just getting ready to go out with Blair" I say then they door open " are you ready"Blair's says " am going to have to go now bye" I say then hang up the phone " I need to show you something it's urgent " Blair's say

Me and Blair get to the party " oh my god Blair and Delilah crashed Jenny party" one of the girls say "Jenny gonna freak" Nelly yuki says " watch and learn ladies" I say " the most important parties to attend are the ones you're not invited to" Blair says " where's the host we have something for him" I say and we link and walk off

Me and Blair walk over to Asher and Blair's taps him on the back " we need to talk" Blair says " give us a moment guys" Asher says " I thought you might want this back" Blair says " whatever you found it's not what it looks like" he says " it's always what it looks like and judging by the text and photos looks like a little more than a friendship" I say " what are you gonna do with them" he says " well luckily for you your freind is someone we care about" I say " or we would've used them against you and Jenny already too bad you don't care about him" Blair says " it's okay Blair Delilah I can handle this" Erick says coming from behind us " what's he doing here" Asher says getting angry " what are they doing here " Jenny say referring to me and Blair " are you gonna tell her or am I" Erick says " there nothing to tell" Asher says "gossip girl was right Asher was kissing someone this morning me" Erick says and everybody just looks in shock " he's totally lying tell him Jenny I was with you all morning" Asher says " yeah Asher right I was with him Erick's lying" Jenny says " why would I stand here in front of everyone we know and tell them if it wasn't true I'm gay and so are you" Erick says to Asher " get this faggot out of here" Asher shouts " go ahead and do it" Eric j says to me and Blair so Blair goes on and send it to gossip girl " what did you just do" Asher grabs the phone out of Blair's hand " you'll see" I say then we walk away

Weekend update a same sex kiss hasn't caused this much controversy since Britney and Madonna looks like little j didn't spread her legs after all she spread lies instead Asher I'd gay and I have the correspondence to prove it

Me and Blair went back to hers as we were sat on the couch looking through gossip girl the elevator dings it's was Jenny " my my if it isn't little j risen from the Ashes" I say " I came to tell use in person you win" Jenny says " oh sweetie we just started to play" Blair says " no you don't understand I'm done with use with them with all of it" Jenny says " just like that you wave the white flag" I say " I lied and I stole and I lost the respect of my family for what so I can be like use you asked me before was it all wroth it my answer is it's not" Jenny says then she goes to walk out " I tried to warn you there's a price to pay" I say " I always knew a girl like you couldn't afford it" Blair says " well you were right" she says " well you put up a good fight for a freshman" I say " thanks" she says "Hope you don't expect a hug"Blair says " I don't expect anything anymore" then she leaves

Another way the truth comes out when you don't even mean it to or when without saying a word it's still loud and clear but the worst thing the truth can do is when you finally tell it, it doesn't set you free but locks you away forever xoxo gossip girl

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