Chapter 10

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He steps into the small, enclosed shower stall, turning on the water and letting it cascade over him. The sound of it rushing through the pipes provides him with a moment of respite from the whirlwind of emotions since seeing Calloway again.

Because fuck, does he love to see her flustered.

She's like a puzzle he can't quite solve. Fascinating and frustrating him. Her back straight with confidence, her voice even and commanding, her mind set at all times on what it wants — she represents everything that entices him. Everything he desires.

And then, she finds every excuse to go against him.

The rejection is comparable to how he imagines he'd feel if Tommy cast him aside so easily. But with Calloway, he can't afford to be devastated. He has to simply endure it.

It only makes sense, then, how much he bloody loves to see her flustered. To see her guard dropping while she scrambles to regain control. And to know it can happen so easily — the mere thought of sharing a room with him had her so close to falling apart, he could almost taste it.

He wonders what would happen if she relinquished control entirely.

Finds himself craving it.

He steps back into the room, towel wrapped snugly around his waist. Droplets of water glisten on his bare chest as he reaches for the cologne, the scent mingling with the steam from the shower. His damp and tousled hair falls gracefully across his forehead, and the soft glow of the lamplight highlights every contour of his body.

Calloway's eyes widen a little, before she clears her throat and looks determinedly out the window. Michael can't help but smirk — she's making this too easy.

"Just finding my shorts," he says, rifling through the neatly pressed piles in his trunk. "Would be a lot easier if I could unpack into the wardrobe."

"I cleared two drawers for you," she says.


The phone rings on the wall, the shrill noise causing Calloway to flinch slightly. Michael looks at her curiously as he crosses the room — what's got her in this state?

"Hello?" He asks into the phone.

"Mr Michael Gray?"

"That's me."

"I'm sorry to disturb your evening. It's just that I've got a Polly Gray on the line and she... Well, she made several threats if I didn't put her through at once."

Michael stifles a laugh. "Course she did. Put her on."

"One moment, please."

The line clicks, and Michael prepares himself for the upcoming conversation. It's his own fault, really — he did promise he'd call when he arrived. He just didn't expect he'd be so preoccupied.

"It's my mum," he tells Calloway, by way of explanation.

"Oh," she responds, still avoiding direct eye contact. "Thank her for the sandwiches."

"Michael?" Polly's voice comes down the line.

"Hi, Mum."

Polly pauses. "Did I just hear a woman's voice?"

"It's not what you think. There was a mixup with the room."

There's a moment of silence on the other end of the line as Polly processes the information. "And you shared your dinner with her?"

"It's not like that," he mutters into the mouthpiece.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything by calling."

Calloway // Michael Gray x Reader - Peaky Blinders FanficWhere stories live. Discover now