~She feels warm~

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I really don't know what's up with Onika today, I've caught her staring at me about three times in the last hour, it's becoming creepy.

The sound of a shutter going off made me turn towards her just to see her doing something on her phone..

I shrug it off deciding to go to the kitchen to help out with something since I don't really have anything to do and I'm tired of sitting with Onika all day.

She was still in the living room doing whatever when I stood up to leave, she looked up at me getting up as well.

Did I forget to add she's been clingy all day? I mean haven't been able to get even a little bit of breathing space.

"Where are we going?" She asks grabbing ahold of my hand.

I gently disconnect our hands, "You mean where am I going? Plus it's just the kitchen, you can stay here and do whatever." I begin to walk away just to feel her following behind me nonetheless.

Good lord...


"Bey come, let's go upstairs." I don't argue with her as I follow her up to her room, going to sit on the couch I usually sit on whenever I'm up here.

She lays down on the bed facing up to the ceiling..

While sitting down there I caught a glimpse of a book on her study table.., you know despite the amount of time I've been in here, I've never actually taken a good look around the room.

I walk over to it seeing it was a chemistry textbook, I haven't really opened any of my books to just read through since I left college.

"You study sciences?" I ask her running my hand through the pages of the book.

"Yeah, I wanna be a pediatrician."

I don't know why that shocks me so much, no offence but I actually didn't think she knew what she wanted to do with her life just yet.

"Hmm.. that's cool."

"You went to college?" She asks back.

"Yeah but I never got to finish." She looked more interested in the conversation now turning to face me.

"You dropped out?"

I shook my head 'no'.

"What happened?"

"I don't know if I'm ready to share that just yet."

She nodded in understanding pausing for awhile while I continued to look through the book.

"What'd you wanna be? You know before working here?"

"A neurosurgeon."

"Wow that's actually cool, you know working with the brain and stuff." She smiles widely leaving me a little giddy.

It was quiet after until she finally spoke up again, "If you had a chance to leave will you go back?"

I didn't have to think about that, "It's my dream Onika, of course I would go back."

"Maybe we should go together, next year." I only nod at that, I ain't got money for all that, especially not for some rich ass ivy league college her dad's gonna send her to.

As long as I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach I'm okay... for now.

I let out a little yawn after almost thirty minutes of looking through the book, Onika was already half asleep on the bed just staring at me while I read.

"Come here." She mumbled opening her arms for me to come lay with her, this is like the third time she's asking since the first time we slept like that.

I was about to decline until I saw the look she was making on her face, you know those puppy dog eyes and pout on her face.

"Okay fine before you start crying." She squeals in excitement patting the bed for me... I really gotta ask her about her behaviour changes. "But leave enough space between us."

She nods but as soon as I'd gotten in the bed she was all over me.

"Onika move." I smacked my lips shrugging her off my body but she held on tight.

"I just wan' cuddle BB." She whines sleepily still clutching on tightly to my shirt collar.

"This ain't right stop, you got so many stuffed animals go cuddle one of 'em." She looked up at me with a sad expression.

"Pinks on vacation right now so I can't cuddle him." She says like it was the most obvious thing in the world.. which wasn't.

She has stuffed animals? She names her stuffed animals? And why pink if he's male?

I shrug off all the unnecessary questions swimming about in my head.

"Well go bring him back from vacation then." She just looks at me like I was stupid before rolling off me.

I shake my head as slowly but surely I feel sleep begin to envelope me but not before I felt Onika wrap her arms around my waist resting her face in the crook of my neck.

"BB so pwetty~" a low mumble sounded in my ears but I couldn't discern it and soon enough I was off to dreamland.

She feels warm...


I didn't update yesterday.

So y'all get a triple update today!!!





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