~Bey's Houston~

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Onika had woken up bright and early the next day much before Beyoncé had, she was excited to go site seeing today so she couldn't sleep.

"Bey get up!" She tapped on Beyoncé's face repeatedly getting no response but instead Beyoncé rolled over to the other side falling of the bed but still not getting up.

"I know you're awake." Onika giggles rolling down untop of Beyoncé just smiling in her face causing Beyoncé to peek one eye open.

Onika pecked her lips giggling.

"Stop Nic, w-we both have morning breath." Beyoncé mumbles out in a raspy voice.

"Then get up so we can take a bath, we're going site seeing today!"

"I know Onika you don't got to be so hyped the sun ain't even come out yet."


"So calm down, let's get bathed."

Beyoncé finally stands up leading them both into the bathroom and they were in there over thirty minutes.

By the time they had finally gotten changed and went downstairs Uncle Johnny had already left for work so it was just Solange there munching on some lucky charms.

"Good morning." She smirks upon seeing them coming downstairs.

"Morning." They both greet back with Beyoncé coming over to peck her cheek which Solange playfully wipes off rolling her eyes.

"Uncle said I should tell y'all to take the car in the garage if you wanted to go site seeing just don't damage it, if you need me I'll be in my room." She takes her already empty plate of lucky charms to the kitchen before heading up the stairs leaving Beyoncé and Onika in the dining room.

"How does some cereal sound right now?" Beyoncé chuckles holding up a cornflakes and lucky charms box which made Onika groan out, but you couldn't really blame Beyoncé seeing as she didn't know how to cook for shit.

"I don't want that."


"I can make something?"

"Okay then."

Onika gets to making some pancakes after finding all the ingredients with Beyoncé just sitting on the island observing her.

"If you know how to cook then why don't you cook at home?" Beyoncé asks rubbing on her growling stomach at the beautiful smell of the pancakes.

"No reason but if you want me to I'll cook for you." Onika smiles turning away from the pancakes for a second to look at Beyoncé who was eyeing the pancakes like some starved child.

"Yes I want you to!"

After breakfast they waited a little while watching a movie before Onika had gotten tired of it and told Beyoncé she wanted to go out.

"Okay so that was my elementary school." Beyoncé says pointing outside the window at the school she was talking about.

Onika looks outside at the not so big building, it looked like the classic elementary school you'd see in kids movies.

And then they passed by Beyoncé's highschool as well, it was way small in comparison to the elite private school Onika had attended in New York.

"I actually moved down to NY only five years ago and Solange joined me the year after." Beyoncé says as they drove down the streets of Houston with Beyoncé showing her every single place she visited as a child.

Onika nods at that, she really admired the relationship between Beyoncé and Solange, sometimes it really reminded her of her brothers.

Omarion and Micaiah..

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