~First date~

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Over the next couple of weeks Kenneth visited the house way more often than Onika or..  Beyoncé would have liked and everytime he came over Onika would lock herself in her room with Beyoncé, the taller woman obviously not minding.

Now on this particular Saturday Robert had travelled out the country with Kenneth's uncle and they'd be gone for over a month hopefully more than.

Carol had left the house only thirty minutes after her husband with no clear date on when she'd be returning, leaving Beyoncé and Onika in the house alone.

Well it'd have been just them if Kenneth hadn't decided to pop up unannounced much to Beyoncé's annoyance.

After spending hours yesterday prepping herself and asking for advice she was ready to ask Onika out on a date like 'date date' and ask to be her girlfriend.

But no Kenneth just had to show up!

He didn't even knock, just let himself in going straight to Onika's room but she wasn't there and then he basically just moved round the house like he owned it or something..

"Oh you're here... and you." He says opening the theatre room door seeing both Beyoncé and Onika on the floor surrounded by pillows and snacks and they seemed way too close for his liking.. not that anyone cares what he likes.

Beyoncé rolls her eyes at the pest.

"What are you doing here?" Onika asks him with an irritated look, she'd managed to deal with him this last couple weeks because her dad was around but now he wasn't she didn't need to talk or interact with him.

"Just came to check up on you. So what we watching?" He invited himself to take a seat on the reclining seat behind them much to the two women's annoyance.

Onika and Beyoncé just ignored him throughout the Barbie movie and just joked between themselves unknowingly scooting closer and closer to one another until Kenneth's delinquent ass decided to interrupt them by coughing very loudly.

"Aren't you not supposed to be cleaning or something, what are you even doing here?" Kenneth asks directing this question to Beyoncé.

"Respectfully shut your ass up, the movie is playing." Beyoncé says feeding Onika some of the popcorn much to Kenneth's annoyance.

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"If you aren't going to shut it, then you can leave the door is just there." Beyoncé looked him up and down in disgust.

Onika just smiles cuddling into Beyoncé, she knew what she was doing and she knew it was getting Kenneth all the more riled up which was why she was doing it.

"I'm fucking leaving!" He announces expecting Onika to care or something but instead she just waved him bye, he could go to hell for all she cares.

Kenneth stomps out the room with a sour attitude leaving the two women to laugh at his expense.

Sometime into the movie Beyoncé had finally gotten the courage to say what she'd been wanting to, "Umm.. Onika...?"

"Yeah?" The shorter woman asks from her place, where her arms were wrapped around Beyoncé, her head in her neck.

"I was wondering if you uh.. if you wanted to go out tomorrow like a y'know.. a date?"

Onika lifts her head up almost immediately, "You finally have the balls to ask me out on a date?" She chuckles making Beyoncé blush.

"Oh shut up. But like seriously, go out with me?"

"Of course."

And they spent the rest of the day just cuddling and watching movies happy that Robert's overbearing ass and Kenneth were gone.

The two women sat in the restaurant that Beyoncé had picked out for their date and no it wasn't one of Robert's, Beyoncé made sure of it.

Onika felt heat rushing to her face when Beyoncé had opened the door for her and lead her into the restaurant she'd never been into before.

It didn't look very very expensive or anything but it was nice, quiet and romantic. Onika loved it.

The time was currently about eight in the night, Onika was in a dinner gown a different one from what she wore the other day, Beyoncé had made her wear it since she loved the way it looked on Onika.

Slow music was playing in the background and they just silently ate their food. Both thinking of what to say like they hadn't seen each other all day.

"So... how's the restaurant? I know it's not all that but it's.. you know what I can afford." Beyoncé blushes a little in embarrassment, anytime she thought of the fact that Onika was like millions of dollars light years ahead of her it made her feel... well unworthy.

"Calm down bey, I love it." Onika smiles grabbing a hold of Beyoncé's hand on the table reassuringly.

Beyoncé let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding, at least Onika liked the place.

They spent the rest of the dinner just making jokes and talking about everything under the sun, it was nice.

The dinner was nice, their dynamic was nice, everything was just perfect.

Beyoncé paid for the dinner.. obviously and by almost ten in the night they were walking out the restaurant hand in hand.

The ride back home was silent except the sounds of the music playing from the radio. Both women had subtle smiles on their faces their hands moving closer and closer on the seat until they were touching. It was like highschool all over again.

Beyoncé had called an Uber to pick them up from the restaurant not wanting any of Robert's nosy ass drivers in their business.

"I h–have something to say well ask actually.." Beyoncé turns to face Onika, she promised Kelly that by the end of the night she would actually grow a pair and ask Onika to be her girlfriend so that was exactly what she was gonna do.

"Ask away!" Onika was desperately hoping that Beyoncé was gonna ask what she was thinking if not then she'd just ask herself.

"Okay here goes nothing... Onikawouldyoubemygirlfriend?"


"I said would you be my girlfriend?" She would've added 'please?' but didn't want to look anymore pathetic than she probably already did.

"Yes!" Onika basically jumps into her arms peppering her face with kisses and for the very first time ever Beyoncé actually initiates a kiss between them.

After almost a minute of making out they finally pull apart, just staring at one another with a satisfied feeling in their hearts.

"Umm.. we're here." The flustered driver says from his seat in the front making them both pull apart from one another with shy smiles on their faces.


A little short but hmm :/





Their date?

Future predictions?

A lil note: Y'all so I have this book I'm not fully done with yet, so it's like a compilation of short beynika stories not really one shots cause their quite long so I was wondering if I should bring out the first chapter/book just to see if y'all like it y'know 🤷🏾‍♀️

But... BUT.. I will only do that if I get at least five extra follows.. so go ahead and do your part and I'll do mine ;)

Anyways vote, comment, share and follow me for faster updates + ♡

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