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Izuku pov:
I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

I flinched in reflex to the warm touch.

This freaked out the cat In my hands, I softly pet it and sat it on the ground.

"Hello?" It came out as a little bit annoyed and rude but I didn't mind.

I turned around and saw the hobo from a couple days ago

"What are you doing here?"  I tried to be polite as possible but still had a tiny bit of shock to my voice.

He looked me dead In the eye and said

"what am I doing here?"

I just sighed and finished my order before going to sit down. The same hand stopped me

"C-can you please let me go?"

It sounded so pathetic. I had to say it everyday because of people. Because of Kacchan and his friends.

"I came to check on you, Izuku "

How does he know my name??

"How do know my name?.."

I decided to just walk to my table and ignore it. Probably just someone kacchan's teamed up with.

I sat down by a table and looked around.

I saw a purple, frizzy haired guy,along with a brown haired girl aross the table by me.

I felt a familiar sizzle on my shoulder

Kacchan was here with me. I gulped

"H-hello there Kacchan.."

He sat across me and gave a death glare, finally, my strawberry cake arrived.
I used this to get out of the store, rushing back  to my "mother's" apartment.

Ochako pov:
I saw a green haired fellow flinch At the touch of a hobo like man.
He asked what he was doing here.. does he know him?
The hobo grabbed on to him and I heard a worried, pathetic plea come from the green guy. "P-please let me go"

It sounded like someone who had to say it everyday.

The hobo said he was there to check on him. His name seemed to be


He headed to his table and I saw a spikey haired blonde boy put his hand on his left on his shoulder. He looked panicked, surprised and terribly terrified. He called the spikey one "kacchan"
Kacchan called izuku "deku"
Doesn't that mean useless?

Izuku had a strawberry cake delivered and left quickly. I paid and followed him to an apartment complex, he was holding a to-go bag and was basically running towards the apartment. Like this guy was so god damn fast!

When I caught up with him he was already in his apartment. I knocked and got to see his face. He had a large stitched scar across his face with black glasses in his hands.

He had long greenish blackish hair going down to the middle of his neck.

"Hello? Am I late on rent again? I swore I paid this month"

He must of my shoke as he trailed off

"Oh sorry! Was I mumbling again? "
He said it so calmly and he was honestly kinda fine /J

"What do you mean rent? I just saw at you cafe and thought you looked cool !"

I put my hand behind my neck awkwardly and saw him sigh in relief
He continued
"I'm izuku , what's your name?"
He gave a small grin
" I'm ochako!"

He invited me in.

"So do live with your mom?"

He dropped the pot of boiling water he had in his hands onto the table. Not even flinching at the water  dripping onto his hands.

"My mom?"

"She's dead. I live alone."

I hold back a gasp as I look at him in shock.

No wonder he asked if he was late on rent.

I was trying to change the subject
"..so do have any hobbies?"

"I like to cook!"

He handed be a basic bowl of ramen with soy sauce and rice

"Oh! Thank you so much! This is really good!"

"Awe thanks, anyways, what's your quirk?"

"Anti gravity!"

"I'll send you a note book tomorrow, under that weird bridge, at 3:30?"

"Uhh why?"

"Oh l, I will analyze quirks and come up with moves for the user" he glimmers under the light of his apartment and starts to talk about my quirk. I assume he has an analysis quirk.

"So who's this "Kacchan" guy??" I asked pondering the possibilitys

"Oh kacchan? He's just a childhood fri- no. Bully" he grimaced saying that hurt him and bit his lip.

"His real name is bakugo"
Why would you call a bully such a nice nickname?

"Why kacchan?"

"I like it."

He smiled when he said that, looking at me contently.

He asked me if I wanted to go to ua, and I said yes (ofc) and I asked if wanted to too

"Oh, I can't go to ua."

"Why not"

"I've given up on quote quote being a hero.
I'm just gonna figure something out."

"... :("

"Anyways! Wanna some support items I made? I love tinkering with metal and such!"

"Oh sure!"

He ran into his room and gave me a glove that covered one finger, but could easily be taken off and on.

"There, okay so, Im inquiring that your quirk works by putting all your fingers on on an object, correct?"


"So this glove makes that power useless untill you press one of the pink dots. It'll create a fingerless glove that hopefully makes you less nauseous when you use your quirk! I assumed all that so don't quote me on that."

I- he got all my info about my quirk right!!

"Try it out if you want!"
He glimmered in the dim light of his apartment.

And just as he promised, I pressed the pink button and it became a fingerless glove with pink undertones.

"How much can you lift normally?"

"About, ehhh 10 apples is when I get nauseous."

He handed me 11 apples

"Try it out!"

Once again, he looked adorable under his apartments light, glimmering under such dim light was hard. I wanted to squish him.

I picked up 11 apples.i didn't feel sick at all.

"Does it work?"


"Let's gooo!"

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