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Listen to that fresh beat bro /j
pick a number: 1 2 3 4 5

Ok lil recap:
Mom: dead
Dad: no milk
Izuku: lives alone and gets beat up everyday lolz, only thing keeping him from going off is basically ochako.

Izuku pov:
As I was walking home, I heard the slight sound of crickets, and smelt the slight change tinge of a lingering smell of cigarettes on the cool breath of my "mother's" apartment complex,

I walked into the small room, looking at the dining room, with a cooking area sectioned off at the sides and a small stairway up to my bedroom, and my "mom's " room. I left it untouched. I walked to his room, my almight stuff in a box, i disliked the hero a little after the accident and I needed some money on the side, for my hobbies and such.

I laid down my head on my comfortable pillow,

What would he do when I had to go back to school? Could i go online? I liked the idea of not having to walk to school,plus i could go ahead of his grade instead of having to work his way up, and they couldn't  judge me on my quirk, or in my case, a lack of one as such. I'd have to unroll from his current Junior high.

Two days later...

Katuski pov:

That nerd deku hasn't shone for 2days since i told him to take a swan dive off the roof of building.. his mom died in a attack the same day.. was he killed in the cross fire? Did he do it? Why am I even thinking about that useless deku?

I got a text message

Deku: I'm gonna hang myself smh
Katuski: why r fuckin texting me deku.

God damnit. Making worry for no god damn reason. I hope he dies anyways. (Not kastudeku)

Deku: i cut my hand on some glass and now I can't make food cuz I'll get blood in it and the bandage store is closed and ran out of bandages
Katuski: ok? I don't fuckin care. Go away deku. 
Maybe actually take my advice this time

Izuku pov:
Wow. Rude.
I would... But ochako would be sad,oh who am I kidding. No person would ever, care care for quirkless person. and plus what police officer wants to go have to clean up a quirkless nobody's body?
Sigh I can call ochako? But I don't want to be a burden..

As I lay on the floor, glass shard still in my neck (I was moving a mirror, dropped it and somehow glas shot in my neck)
I heard a knock on the door, probably the person I called to sell my almight merch too. I got up and opened the door to find an ochako standing there.

O: can I come in!?
O: rude.
I: oh no I'm sorry you can come in! I just wanted to know why!! Ahh I'm Soo sorry

I bowed, she probably hated me now, I was so rude!

O:no no it's okay!

I doubted that! She probably is just putting on an act!

I: w-why are you here?

Curse my stuttering.
O: why do you have glass in your neck?
I: dropped a mirror.

O: oh okay!
I: do you have any bandages?
O: yea, why?
I: I'm out

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