WWE 2K23 Did You Know? Ep. 16

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It's time for Episode 16 of the Did You Know? Series featuring more things you might not know in WWE 2K23, including new features, secrets, easter eggs and hidden content!

This episode continues to focus on the new WWE 2K23 Race to NXT DLC Pack, as well as recent changes made in the Patch 1.12 update.

Today's featured things include:

- A special possum opponent taunt for Harley Race that sees you attack your opponent when they try to interrupt the animation
- The return of the Outside Superplex which can now be assigned in Create a Moveset
- A new type of combo move for Tony D'Angelo
- Special rivals commentary for Tony D'Angelo & Santos Escobar
- The addition of the alternate John Cena 2K Showcase victory to the Creation Suite
- Special rivals commentary for tag team partners Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes

Me: Outside Suplex!

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