WWE 2K23 Did You Know? Ep. 19

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Join us for Episode 19 of the Did You Know? Series featuring more things you might not know in WWE 2K23, including new features, secrets, easter eggs and hidden content!

Today's featured things include:

- A hidden version of the Snapmare Penalty Kick that is exclusive to Ludwig Kaiser
- A special Elimination Chamber entrance for Bray Wyatt
- A taunt that causes your opponent to be busted open
- New hidden commentary for The Fiend
- Special reactions in MyGM when drafting WCW stars back to WCW
- An update to the Haymaker Punch DLC move that now allows it to be used as a Signature or Finisher
- Special reactions when drafting WWE Legends to WCW in MyGM
- A hidden tag team victory motion for Kayden Carter and Katana Chance, which is the second hidden tag team victory found following the reveal of a new motion for The Creed Brothers

Me: Where is our special Elimination Chamber entrance!?

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