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Don't blame me ok if this is bad it's my first time writeing smth like this so bare with me people bare with me please- anygays please and hopefully enjoy this terrible chapter!

~Y/n POV~

I sat on my bed in my room, I was reading the first book to my new fav series Wings of Fire (if u don't like wof or don't know it feel free to change it! TvT) I heard a banging on my door and knew it must be one of the staff. I swiftly hid the book and went and opened the door, she looked at me with a stern face "get out here for ur food freak!" I nodded and closed the door before glancing at myself in the mirror... my horns on my head always would give me away.. hence why I learned how to use magic and hide them.. I could say the same for my tail and eyes to.. I Broke the stare at the mirror and walked out the door closeting it behind me and walking to get my one lone price of bread... I grabbed it and headed back to my room. I was almost there until one of the kids grabbed my arm and dragged me down to the ground and stole my bread "monster like u don't need to eat freak!" With that they kicked me in the stomach and walked off, I carefully stood and grumbled to myself before slowly walking to my room holding my stomach in pain.

Once in my room I grabbed my phone and headphones and started playing music to calm myself... I rolled up my sleeves and looked at the cuts both I and the others have created on me... I carefully took off my hoodie and looked at all my scars, cuts, and long lasting bruises I had that littered my body... i sighed before putting my hoodie back on. With that I heard a light knowck at the door.. must be one of the nicer staff.. I though to myself. I stood up and hid my phone and headphones before opening the door. "Yes ma'am?" I asked... she looked hesitant "uhm.. here..." she quickly shoved a small plate of food at me as I took it she quickly walked off. I closed the door with a smirk before referring to eating..

Once I finished my food I hid the plate and glance at my bag with the pink mustache and smiled, I grabbed it and quickly started to pack my clothes and everything I needed and looked out the window noticing the sunset, now to wait for midnight..

(Smol time skip brought to u by jerry)

Finally- I thought.. it was midnight. I swiftly opened my window and hopped out and started running. I'd never felt so free in all my life!

I had been running for a while now, I had looked away for a second before running into someone. I quickly fell to the ground but the man stood tall still, he turned around and looked to me- except he couldn't see? "The young teen looked to the host questionably wonder if he can see, they quickly go to panic at the fact they assume he can see them, the host bends down and asks politely if she need help standing up to which the young teen scoots away in fear, the host reassures her there is nothing to fear and helps her stand asking what their name was" I grabbed his hand only to keep looking at the cloth around his eyes, "I'm Y/n- assuming you name is host but uh... how can u see?"
They smiled softly "the host smiled with reasurance before carefully answering 'I can see in third person young one I can speak normally as well but do prefer to speak in third person' with said answer the teen took interest in the host. The host cut the teen off asking why they are out this late and where they live wanting to help them get home." At the mention of a home I looked down in sadness... the man quickly recognized this and carefully and most likely hesitately hugged me "I'm sorry I did not know..." I gave into the hug and embraced the man with a warm smile.. he made me feel.... Safe? It was weird.. but- a nice feeling! I looked up at him "mr host... why is it when I hug or was around you.. why do I feel safe? And loved?" I didn't understand it- Iv never felt it before so it was new to me... he quickly had a look of sorrow on his face before it turned into another soft smile "well my dear child maybe it's cause we were just ment to be? Would u like to come home with me- I have a lot of brothers there but I'm sure they wouldn't mind having an extra guest!" I quickly brightened up at the sound of having an actually house to stay in "would u really? I mean why would u want just a weird demon freak like me.." he quickly looked confused and shocked, I undid the spell hiding my horns and tail, my whole appearance changed, I now had sharp teeth and pointed ears, there were 4 horns sprouting out my head of which where colored white, my tail was of patchy white and black scales and at the end was a sharpie Barb filled with a sertain venom Iv definitely never used- my finger tips were also sharper like claws now.. I looked down in shame at my appearance but he seemed amazed and in awe. He quickly picked me up and carried me away, "h-hey! Don't scare me like that!" He him self chuckled before adjusting me to be more comfortable, I snuggled into his chest and let the wave of reasureance fall over me as I fell asleep..

~safe and sound~ (host x demon teen reader)Where stories live. Discover now