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Hello loves! It's what I'm going to call you guys from now if that's fine with you if not please let me know and maybe recommend a better name for me to use! Anygays I can't believe Iv gotten to chapter 4 so quickly.... Welp hope you enjoy!

~Y/n Pov~

It had been a couple hours since host fell asleep with me on his lap reading a book, maybe even a couple hours possibly... I heard the doors open and someone rushed in searching for us.. host woke up quickly and picked me up and set me on the chair he pulled up for me next to him, I continued my reading "host your gonna wana see this!" I looked up from my book and spotted a book mark, I grabbed it and put it in closing my book "how urgent is it," he muttered continuing to write in his journal, "host it's about dark, anti, AND cloe!" He purked up at dark "what did she do to my brother.." we both got up and ran to henriks office of which was where dark and anti where laying on a bed each, some septic eyes around anti and cloe alone at dark sobbing while holding his hand.. I ran over to them and noticed dark was all patched in in multiple places around his body, mostly the chest. I went over to cloe and hugged her softly "it's ok he's gonna be ok.. I know he will," she hugged me back, host seemed more angry then worried at the moment

"what the hell happened.. what did you do.." he growled angrily, she looked up "I didn't do anything... he saved me.. him and anti risked their life's to save mine.. they killed whatever it was that's been tormenting me for months now.. I tried to stop him I truly did... but him being stubborn didn't listen...." He nodded feeling less anger now more of an understanding... why can I feel their emotions? Suddenly a voice something in my head talked to me, hello? I didn't answer at first.. hi.. I could tell I startled it.. Y/n? Is that you? I was a bit more shocked but understood it was most likely dark, dark you need to get back in your body some how.. I can't keep her calm forever.. she needs you. He came to an understanding and left as soon as he came... I soon saw his hand twitch a bit, I looked over and noticed anti starring at dark intensely.. darks whole hand and arm had suddenly moved, cloe let me go as she looked up to dark of which had now sat up and rubbed his forehead. Cloe had quickly grabbed his hand from his head "don't do that you might hurt yourself more.." I looked at host who seemed to be relived at the sight of him awake... I looked at dark and gave him a daring glare sending him a signal telling him I need an explanation.

He glared at me as-well knowing he should but won't be given a choice of explanation... he looked to cloe and smiled before placeing his hand on her cheek wiping the fresh tears "I'm ok.. no need to cry!" She just held his hand up to her cheek as the tears flowed "I almost lost you of course I'm gonna cry ya big goof!" The two seemed to laugh and fall more in love at each word shared... I grabbed hosts hand and looked up at him... he looked down to me before turning his full attention on me "I think we should leave the two loves birds to themselves..." he glanced at them as they talked and laugh seeming to get closer each second before nodding and leading me away... once we left the ringing in my ears and the fuzzy ness in my head flooded away... but it did give me a headache.

I had started to get a bit dizzy so I let go of hosts hand and tried leading myself to the couch but ended up falling over instead, I heard host rush over to me as I held my eyes closed and rubbed my head "whoa kiddo are you ok?" I grumbled "yea yea I'm fine.. just.. got a bit dizzy.." host quickly called for Google, I tried to tell him I was fine but he didn't believe me.. he cares for me as a father would... no... no that's wrong... he doesn't love me... im just here for safety right? Google came down the steps and quickly walked over to me before bending down and scanning me, "my scanners indicate she's malnourished and dehydrated.. she needs food and water" host had quickly ran to the kitchen, Google picked me up and sat me on the couch host came back with a cup of water and two double chocolate chip cookies, he quickly sat next to me before handing me the cookies and placing the water on the table in front of me "really guys I'm fine I just need to sleep it off- it's happened before! I swear I'm fine!" They looked at each other practically mortified before looking back at me "kid.. this has happened before? What did u do to stop it..." I just shrugged "dunno I just slept it off then the next day I grabbed my peice of bread like everyday!"

~safe and sound~ (host x demon teen reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang