yes i am publishing two chapters in one day- why? bc i can mfer- anygays- hope u enjoy this chaoyer as i am half asleep rn- so yea- ill try and makenit as long as i can- aaaaaaanygays enjoy!

~Y/n Pov~

I carefully woke but didnt open my eyes, i heard soft snoring so i slowly lifted my head and opened my eyes noticeing i feel asleep on dark. Me being content with where i an i put my head back where it was and kept my eyes closed enjoying the warmth and the comfort that i was getting. i heard someone comeing down the steps but ignored them, "Dark.. dark wake up!" they had yelled, he woke slowly before grumbling "what" he noticed i was still grapeled onto him and shushed the poor man "yes yes i know- its just- i got a call... from anti and the septiceyes! they said they needed help with something? and needed to talk to us... what do we do about Y/n?" i choose that would be the right moment to 'wake up' "hmm? What are you guys talkin abt?" I sat up and stretched with a yawn "nothing Y/n just go back to sleep yoir gonna need it kid." i looked to the other man. It was the pink mustache guy... What was his name again? Oh yea! Wilford warfstache!

I myself grumbled before burrowing my face in crook of darks neck again mumbling something. He chuckled before turning to wilford "we'll figure something out just don't worry about it for now..." wilford nodded and dark out his attention on me. "Hey u still awake kid?" I nodded before I started to purr softly as he rubbed my back, "what if we had maybe baked something today? How does that sound?" I sat up and smiled "really??" He himself smiled and nodded "yay!!!" He chuckled at my excitement before I crawled off of him. "Alright im gonna call the bakeing queen just gimme a sec ok kid?" I nodded and sat patiently next to him.

He soon got up phone in hand before putting it to his ear and pacing slowly. "Hey- yea I know it's early... oh shut up- I have a surprise for u- yea yea- whatever... just get over here- yes yes you'll get cuddles I guess- alright bye.." he put his phone in his pocket with a sigh "alright the baking queen will be here sooner or later- so in the meantime- what would u like to do?" I thought about it for a second before shrugging, he smiled and sat next to me "how about some TV kid how does that sound?" I smiled and nodded as he turned it on, once on it was on an old western "ooo! This looks cool!" He looked at me "really? An old western? If u wana watch a western u should watch tombstone-." "What's that?" He snickered "cloe would die if she heard u say that..." and voice from behind us spoke "as I did! Who let u have a child- and how in the seven hells do they NOT know tombstone! Which is only the BEST western to EXSIST!!" I looked behind us and saw a woman about maybe a little taller then me? If not shorter- she walked over to the two of us and snatched the remote from dark before turning the tv off making dark grumble.. she walked around to me and looked at me "awww... you poor thing... hey by any change are you trans? I'm not judging trust me I know so many trans people I could make a conga line of em! And I myself and half gay half straight so- anygays no need to answer that if u don't wana!" I perked up "I- I am trans actually!" She seemed to gleam at this "I must know who old are you?" I shyed away a bit "15-." She started giggling before hugging me "eeeee! Your so cute and adorable I love it!!" "Cloe- do I not EXSIST all of a sudden?" She quickly stopped and looked to dark same as me "awww is little darky jealous?" She cooed making me snicker a bit dark turned away as a black colored blush sprinkled his face making the lady chuckle "fine fine come here u big goober!" She stood with dark and hugged him as he hugged back resting his head on top of hers mumbling something. I giggled and muttered "ship" under my breath of which dark heard and grumbled yet again.

The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs broke the two apart, I looked over and saw host coming down the stairs "I'll pretend I didn't see that.." me mumbled as he got next to me. He looked down to me with a smile "hello Y/n how was ur sleep with dark?" I giggled "it was comfy! Dark brought someone over to bake with me!" Host looked to the lady and sighed "I can see that- cloe just don't almost burn our kitchen down again-." She put her hand on her heart and mouth agape in shock "how dare u that was only one time! Once host once!!! I told u was tired that day!!" "Your always tired cloe.." "Whatever.." she grumbled making me giggle a bit, I myself yawned still a bit tired as well.. "host are they yours perchance?" He nodded "found them running from the orphanage a couple blocks away.. this little bundle of joy is a little demon as-well-." He stated rubbing my head making me purr, I heard a squeak "and she purrs like a cat!! Host I might just take her home with me!" Host chuckled at the lady's remark as he continued to rub and scratch behind my ears letting me purr.

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