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The first period was a blur, I was kind of tired of remembering things. It was early in the morning for me and I hated being up early. I was never an early bird type of person. I proceeded to look as if I was taking notes when in reality I was simply drawing something in my notebook to kill time. I drew a favorite Pokemon character of mine. I was finishing up the drawing when the bell to head to the second period finally sounded. The second period went by with no problem. English class I enjoyed. For me, it was this, chorus or history class. I was never a fan of math at all. In English class, we began talking about Greek mythology and how it impacted English writing for today's society. I finished up my notes thinking about what we were studying from Percy Jackson. The bell rang for a third-period class change. I gathered my stuff and packed it, noticing my friends in the halls and meeting up with them. Trixie and I shared the same chorus class for period three. We entered the classroom and I sensed the teacher as she stared at me when I entered the classroom.

We sat down in our assigned chairs as our chorus teacher handed out our classroom folders. I saw the same number from last year in my folder. The number fourteen folder still had my little pony art from last year in it. Trixie peeked over and giggled a little bit. "I never knew you were a brony at one point." She giggled. I tried to hide the images, embarrassed by the fact of her seeing them. "Don't hide them! I think it's kind of awesome! You, my brother, and I would enjoy watching the show together at some point." Trixie explained. I let her see the images I drew back from last year. The teacher had us take an entry exam. I of course went first with two other students considering we were second-years. I finished and was placed as a bass and baritone vocal section. Trixie was next and I could see she was nervous. "It's going to be okay. You got this!" I motivated her. She finished with being placed on the alto section of the choir as the bell rang for the fourth period. Our teacher pulled me aside before we left. I followed her into her office, and she had me take a seat. She sat down in her chair. "I see you and Trixie are getting along quite well already." She began. I was shocked that she knew who Trixie was. "How do you-" She cut me off before I could finish. "My name is Mrs. Taylor as you already know, I am aware that you have yet to see her folder with her last name." Mrs. Taylor removed the said folder and on it read Sarah Trixie Taylor. Our full names were embroidered on our middle school chorus folders for we get to keep them when we leave the school. First of all, she never told me her first name! I guess Trixie is what everyone calls her. But my mental question remains as to Why? "I remember Trixie getting diagnosed at the age of seven. I cried, doing so for her. I saw the future of her suffering that she did not see. I see part of her in you, Justin. Please make sure she stays out of trouble for me would you?" Mrs. Taylor had hoped. "You have my word Mrs. Taylor," I assured her. I felt uneasy as to what she meant as she ushered me off to class. "I don't wish to become the reason you are late for math class now."

In the fourth period, I had my math class. Math class was not my favorite class in school because I wasn't all that great with numbers if they were not simple. This was Pre-Algebra, and only the beginning of my future suffering as I felt. All I did was draw again in my notebook not paying much attention. I was given some math homework on the first day. Oh, brother! My mind shouted. I hate this part of math class too when they issue homework on the first day of school. My homework was on fractions and decimals. Of course! Out of anything else, this annoying stuff! My anxious mind would forever hate math class.

Lunch hour was finally upon us. I met up with everyone at the end of the line to get our food. I sat at the table bringing my food from home because the cafeteria food didn't sit well in my stomach at all and would get me sick from simply a bite of it. You'd look at me thinking something was wrong with me. I opened up my bag and played some tunes on my mp3 player whilst waiting on my friends. I kept the volume low on the device so I could hear them when they came to the table. My favorite music being Nickelback, Three Days Grace, Killswitch Engage, and Avatar. I am what many furs would consider a metalhead.

2105: BenedictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora