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I could not see anything other than the large blue tunnel as we continued falling through the bright blue abyss that eventually brought us face to face with a garbage dumpster! Everyone fell to the ground, landing in soft dirt and grass in the alleyway as I managed to plunge like a basketball into the dumpster with the lid slamming shut behind me. Mike got up as Henry had already met up with me to remove me from the dumpster. We were gathering our bearings and dusting off our clothes when we heard the sound of guns clicking and humming! "Freeze! Stay where you are!" A stern voice called out. "Turn around with your paws in the air now!" We slowly turn around to see an army dressed in a gray and black camouflage. A brown and red Doberman fur with a different rank on his patch than the others. I assumed him to be the commanding officer of this unit. With my paws in the air, I stood as still as possible, careful not to give them a reason to fire on us. Everyone had their hands in the air. "Who ordered the welcome party?" Mike asked. A young white bunny fur emerges from the crowd of soldiers as they make room for her to get by.

"Commander Hayes, These boys are not a threat to us, please have your men lower their arms." She said, looking at the army before her. Astonishing enough, the furs lower their rifles. "These are the ones we are looking for." She told them while looking back at us. "Please come with me." She urged us to follow. This bunny fur wore a white gown and a white pearly crown decorated in jewels. Some were sapphire blue while others were of ruby red and emerald green. She had sea-blue eyes that resembled ice in her ambrosial bunny face. We begin to follow her. "Excuse me, but where are we and who are you?" Trixie asked. "It's not where you are, but rather when you are. My name is Princess Donna. The officer that nearly shot you is my prime officer of the Solianna Defense Force. Solian is a place of peace not war, but protection from such threats is rather necessary. It is the year 2105 and as this world, others follow." Princess Donna Explained. "'I'll explain more to you when we get to the castle."

We proceeded to the castle with the princess. We came across a small passageway to a river where we found a small boat. We climbed into the boat and drifted off down the lake as the rest of the army followed on foot, Donna, Commander Heyes, and we sat in this boat. We were on our way to the castle to find out what's going on and why we were here. We enter our way into the city. I assumed we landed just on the outskirts because it was fully occupied by the military here. As we made our way through Solianna, I could see a large bowl on top of a larger building. This bowl contained a humongous white candle and the same bird symbol that the key had embroidered on its handle back in the factory. "That's our ceremonial goblet. Every five years we celebrate what's known as the festival of fire. The symbol is of a phoenix. It represents the sun god Solaris who is also capable of causing what we know to be the flames of disaster."

A phoenix, Flames of disaster, Solaris? All of this sounds familiar but I can't figure out why? "Justin, there is something for you at the castle grounds. I'll hand it over to you when we arrive. Commander Hayes, please inform your men of our arrival. We don't need the same misunderstanding twice." Princess Donna commanded. We continued down this glowing blue river to the castle moat and the castle docks. We climbed out of the boat and onto the wooden dock. Commander Hayes tied the boat down to anchor it and we proceeded to the castle gates. The guards let us in willingly and escorted us to the main door. We were greeted by an older fur who looked a lot like Princess Donna yet a lean and more masculine build. "That's my brother, Prince Eldona." He wore a blue and white cloak with his navy blue pinstripe suit underneath and his crown above his head. "I waited for your arrival sis, Please come in because our father is waiting for you." Prince Eldona told her. We enter the castle and make our way to the throne room. We ran into her father who introduced himself as King Julius. He seemed very glad and relieved to see us.

"We have long awaited the arrival of the new coming warriors for decades!" Warriors? What kind of warriors? I'm not what you could even call a warrior. I'm easily scared of heights! What makes this fur think for one minute, I am some kind of warrior?! "Oh yes, Is there a young lad by the name of Justin amongst you?" He said, revealing a brown leather-bound book with twine tying it shut. I approach the king bowing before him out of respect. "That would be me, your highness. My apologies for not introducing myself or my friends." I apologize hoping I didn't offend him in any way. "Not to worry my dear boy! I have something for you that I believed to have belonged to your father." He replied as he handed me this brown leather book. I place the book into my bag to hold on to it. My father was here on Solianna? He has been missing for years! Here? Seriously? How? My mind spins around to the thought of this. If he was here, maybe this journal could be the clue to where he is now. I must find him! Only he knows what's going on!

We were escorted to our rooms for the night after eating our fill of dinner in the mess hall. I shared a room with the guys as Trixie bunked with the princess. The prince had his room just the way he preferred. "Tomorrow you start your training. Please be ready so we get an early start. I'm sure Commander Hayes wouldn't mind showing you the ropes of a Time warrior." Julius said jovially. "You don't understand your highness, I can't be a time warrior could I?" I knew deep down it wasn't true. I can't honestly be a time warrior? I don't even know what they are or what a time warrior does! "You question your abilities I see, I understand. Nevertheless, it is our job to ensure your training and to make you into the warrior you are to become to stop Maxwell from causing unseen wars across this land. You are the chosen heir of the time warrior family. The Agentas are a family that fought in these wars for centuries. It's in your blood Justin. Now, off to bed. You will need your rest for tomorrow." King Julius said as he ushered me into the room with Mike and Henry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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