The Right to Die | 🌺

23 2 0

Reviewer: DragonOrchid24
Author: avadel.

First Glance:

Cover Image: 5/5

Title: 4/5

Blurb/Synopsis: 4/5

First Paragraph: 4/5

Cover Image: The cover looks very cool. I like that at first glance you see the guy and the tower, but then when you look at it more closely there are other features.

Title: I like the title, and I'm assuming it ties into the story in some way.

Blurb/Synopsis: The blurb is well-written and engaging. It makes me want to read the story, though it seems like it's giving almost too much of the story's events away? I could be wrong though.

First Paragraph: Interesting first paragraph. It starts the story off with a bit of intrigue as well as insight into the feel of the story.

Chapter 1:

Characters: 3/5

Writing: 4/5

Storyline: 3/5

Engagement: 3/5

Nice introduction to the characters and the group dynamic between them. Personally, I think the action is a little slow to begin with. I'd like to see a little bit more interaction, maybe between the characters, or more background into how they've ended up where they are. This could just be my personal preference however.

Chapter 2:

Characters: 3/5

Writing: 3/5

Storyline: 3/5

Engagement: 3/5

I like that the story slowly lets you adjust to the different tech. It's done well and it doesn't cause any confusion. I like this chapter as it has quite a bit of action and you get to see the character's response to the events.

Although, I think I'd like to see a bit more into how he's internally feeling and thinking, especially toward the end of the chapter.

Chapter 3:

Characters: 4/5

Writing: 4/5

Storyline: 4/5

Engagement: 5/5

I like the main character's snarky responses, it's starting to show more of his personality. This was a good bridging chapter as I feel the story starting to come together. Not much excitement, but at the same time I think it's needed to delve deeper into the character and their circumstances.

Chapter 4:

Characters: 5/5

Writing: 4/5

Storyline: 3/5

Engagement: 4/5

This is well-written, the actions speak volumes about the characters feelings. It also opens some of the character's development through these times. The story is engaging as we learn more about what the character's life has been like, and more about the world.

Chapter 5:

Characters: 3/5

Writing: 4/5

Storyline: 4/5

Engagement: 4/5

Really good descriptions in this chapter, it makes it easy to picture the world through the main character's eyes. I like the story unfolding and it's moving along quick enough to still be engaging.


Overall, it's an intriguing story, and it has you rooting for the main character right away. While there are some scenes that I would like to get a better sense of the internal thoughts of the main character, the actions shown also help depict some of the characters personality and current emotional state.

The descriptions of the world are precise and unique, and help to easily imagine the story. I like the natural feel of how the story is developing and the integration of some new technology/world building.I quite enjoyed reading, and look forward to finding out what happens next. 

Thank You
Review Posted: 6/16/23

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