Chapter 7: Crystalline Auroras

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Morning finally came, and Bamberly woke up with a start. She nudged Bamburai awake and giggled when he tried resisting by turning away and such.

"Alright, alright, i'm worries..."

Bamburai finally got up, rubbing his eyes and stretching; Bamberly gave him a little good morning kiss on the cheek and then went to helping him pack up their things.

"Today i lead the adventure!"

Bamburai felt a sense of somber happiness. Seeing Bamberly being all cheery and excited gave him a feeling akin to butterflies in his stomach. He just loved her so, so much.

Bamberly started walking, and made a small hand gesture to Bamburai, telling him to come along. Bamburai snapped out of his little loving trance and began following her. They walked through the grassy path of the small dimension, seeing how it was rising up. They were on a hill, and they noticed small blue glass shards poking out of the ground.

As they ascended up the hill, the floor slowly became marked by crystal patches that grew the more they walked up. The sky was also gradually turning into a more shimmery neon blue.

Eventually, the couple found themselves in a completely new place; the floor was a crystalline blue, sparkling under the light of a single big star in the sky; Many blocks were scattered over the landscape, covered in blue grass, flowers and trees; crystalline apples were hanging from the trees.

Bamburai, whilst Bamberly was looking around the place, curiously picked one of the shimmering apples from one of the trees; it looked almost transparent and polygonal; like an actual crystal. What was more shocking, however, was that when he took a bite out of the was almost exactly like biting in a jolly rancher; juicy yet crunchy. It tasted...funky. Sorta like the colour blue.

"Hey, Bamberly! Come over here!"

Bamburai called over Bamberly, who sprinted right to him, both excited and intrigued.

"Take a bite out of this."

Bamburai handed another crystalline apple he had on him to Bamberly. After a second of visually inspecting it, she took a bite out of it, and was then shocked at how good it surprisingly tasted.

"This- This is actually really good... normally i'd think something like this is poisoned!"

"Heh, yeah. Nature's odd, but beautiful. It's funny."

Eventually, both of them simply sat under the shade of an azurine tree, watching the auroras in the sky as they munched on crystalline apples. They cherished each other's company whilst eating, and it was simply just a good time all around.

Once the two were finally satiated, Bamburai picked out a few more apples for safekeeping, and kept on walking with Bamberly leading along.

As they traversed through the crystalline cubed landscape, it became more abstract and surrealist; jagged stones topped with crooked trees and cloaked with azure flower-dotted ferns and grass dotted the mostly cubical landscape, and the couple had to climb the cubical mountain little by little. A cyan, blue and lavender purple aurora glimmered in the sky, alongside soft snow-like petals fluttering down to the ground occasionally.

Tall, floral plants colored in a neonish blue and purplish violet grew and towered over, as if mimicking sunflowers. They had a sweet aroma to them, smelling vaguely like taffies. The smaller blue and purple flowers were like small daisies and asters. In the sky, there seemed to be compass and clock hand-like structures that were either a light yellow and orange or a deep neon blue and purple.

Bamberly and Bamburai walked through the shimmering, cubical paradise, hand in hand, wondering in what other odd landscape they'd end up in whilst walking.

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