Just bad luck? Nah Zeus's a jerk

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A/N: English is not my 1st language so if there's any mistakes please notify me using comments. Pictures are not mine. Enjoy the story, thanks. (Also apologies for cursing Zeus, it's for plot reasons only)


...I need more coins...
You slammed your forehead on your desk after closing Webtoon on your phone. This had become a habit after watching Demon Slayer. You envied Tanjiro's forehead, just because you'd be able to head-butt your English teacher and knock him out. That man was a menace to society. How dare he give you a B- on your English essay! The audacity! He should've given me an A+ instead. Now there's going to be a single B- on my report.

You are a college boy that was currently cursing your English teacher for giving you a bad grade. You looked pretty, with short hair and a decent face. However you always wanted to be taller, you were 5'4 tall which was about 162cm, but your brains made up for your lack of height. You were the top student in your class, always achieving full marks and straight As. Having a B- is unthinkable, unimaginable—it's impossible.

"That old man is biased." You clenched your fist in anger, recalling the bitter memory of him handing your perfect essay back, with a big fat B-. How could he!

"..I need to get some fresh air..I swear to god that old man is gonna give me wrinkles at 23.." You got up from your comfy chair and headed towards your apartment balcony. The apartment was neat and tidy, with books and pen's organized nicely on your shelves and desk. You opened the balcony door and stepped out, taking in the cool, fresh air. You sometimes wondered what it would be like if you had a pet, perhaps a fat, ginger cat? You could name it Kayden and adopt another skinny cat and name it Kartein. You chuckled at the thought, but your apartment was too small and you were barely getting by with your scholarship. Having a pet would be difficult in your current situation, maybe after I get a stable job, you thought.

The clouds darken and a drop of water lands in the center of your head.

"God why does it always land there.." you muttered, slightly annoyed as you ruffled up your black, silky hair a bit, still feeling the tingly sensation. Despite this, you liked rainy days. When you cried on rainy days, it was like the rain was crying with you, providing a source of comfort. When you sat near the glass balcony door, you could watch the raindrops fall and pretend it was a race to see who would reach the bottom first. When you were outside, you could jump in the puddles—it was delightful. The corners of your mouth curved up a bit as you stood on your balcony, in the rain. The rain tickled, and the sound of dripping made you feel at peace.

As you stood on your balcony, enjoying the soothing sound of the rain, a sense of calmness washed over you. The worries about your English essay and the frustration with your teacher began to fade away, replaced by tranquility. The raindrops pitter-pattered on the ground, creating a rhythmic melody that resonated with your inner thoughts. Lost in the moment, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the cool breeze to caress your face. The scent of rain and wet earth filled the air, carrying a hint of freshness and renewal. It was as if the rain was cleansing not only the world around you but also your mind and soul. You couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of nature and its ability to provide solace in times of distress.

The gray clouds hung low in the sky, casting a serene atmosphere over the city. Each raindrop was like a gentle touch, reminding you to let go of your frustrations and embrace the present moment. The worries and pressures that had weighed you down seemed to melt away in the rain. In this moment of clarity, you found a renewed sense of purpose and determination. You knew that a single setback or grade did not define your worth or potential. You were more than a report card or an essay grade.

"I'm much better than whatever that old man thinks I am." You crossed your arms and raised your chin, a smirk evident on your face. As you stood on your balcony, savoring the refreshing rain and the calming ambiance it brought.

Little did you know that an unexpected turn of events was about to occur. The patter of raindrops on your skin was interrupted by a sudden flash of bright light cutting through the darkened sky. In an instant, a bolt of lightning strikes on your balcony, illuminating your surroundings with a blinding light and striking you with an intense, electrifying energy. The force of the lightning strike surges through your body, causing a searing pain and a sensation of being momentarily weightless. The world around you fades into a blur of intense brightness, and the deafening roar of thunder resonates in your ears. Adrenaline courses through your veins as you are thrown back by the sheer force of the impact. Your body jolted uncontrollably as the energy surged through your veins, leaving you momentarily paralyzed, the rain becoming a mere backdrop to the intense sensations coursing through your body. As the seconds pass, your senses gradually return, and you find yourself lying on the wet balcony floor, drenched by the rain and barely breathing.

"...Fuck Zeus..."

You woke up suddenly, surprising the couple that sat beside your bed.

"Darling, our son's finally awake!"



You, Valentino received a B- on your essay from your English teacher. You then went to your balcony to get some fresh air and it started raining. Suddenly you get struck by lightning while enjoying the rain and well... you get transmigrated to Eleceed in the body of Luca Kim after getting struck by lightning.

1026 words

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