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You get transmigrated to Eleceed in the body of Luca Kim after being magnificently struck by lightning.
Then upon meeting your new parents, you fainted again due to the overwhelming amount of memories transferred to you.


Once more, the brilliant, blinding light streamed into the room, its intensity a rude awakening. Oh, how you detested those moments when the curtains parted, and the morning sun seemed to conspire against your peaceful slumber. How annoying. Don't you just hate it when the curtains open and the light hits you directly on your face?

"Just great..." you grumbled, a sleep-laden voice escaping your lips. In protest, you turned over, attempting to evade the intrusive rays, and resorted to pulling the covers over your face in a futile attempt to preserve your coveted darkness. Yet, your morning respite was short-lived. The sanctuary of your blankets was unceremoniously yanked away from you. Just who this jerk? You fumed internally, irritation mounting as you felt the covers being whisked away. An exasperated sigh welled within you. But your annoyance was promptly overshadowed by sheer astonishment and shock when your eyes beheld the audacious intruder. This was no ordinary annoyance. The person you had so hastily labeled a jerk defied gravity itself, suspended in mid-air as if gravity had momentarily relinquished its grip. A gasp caught in your throat, and your heart raced in your chest as you struggled to make sense of this surreal spectacle. Now what? You screamed.

"Geez, you're making my ears bleed..." The now named jerk groaned, rubbing his ears in a somewhat irritated manner, as if your scream had struck a discordant chord with his sensitive hearing. A cacophony of thoughts whirled within your head. Was he some kind of ghost? A vampire perhaps? or were you simply trapped in a vivid hallucination? Each possibility seemed equally implausible maybe except for the last one, leaving you grappling with the surreal nature of the situation. "So you've finally decided to shut up...?" He inquired, his arms crossed now. Now that you get a good look on him, you realize, he's tiny, no larger than the size of your palm. This unexpected revelation added another layer of peculiarity to the situation.

Before you stood a fantastical being, a small, elf-like creature with an air of otherworldly charm. Despite his diminutive stature, he exuded an aura of undeniable presence. His facial features bore a striking resemblance to those of a human, with delicate, elfin ears tapering to points that peeked out from beneath his teal-colored hair. Speaking of his hair, it was a vibrant shade of teal that seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow, kinda like LED lights? You don't know. His eyes, however, were the most captivating aspect of his appearance. They gleamed with an otherworldly radiance, like twin pools of brilliant neon pink. Within each eye, an enigmatic 'X' was etched at the center of his pupils, a mark that added a touch of intrigue to his already captivating gaze. These eyes seemed to hold the wisdom of ages, and they regarded the world with a profound, timeless understanding. His attire was equally extraordinary, as he sported clothing that appeared to belong to a realm of advanced technology and cyber aesthetics. He wore sleek, form-fitting garments that blended seamlessly with his small frame. The fabric shimmered with iridescent hues, creating an ever-shifting display of colors and patterns that reflected the interplay of light and shadow. Intricate circuits and patterns of luminescent lines adorned his clothing, giving him an appearance reminiscent of a being deeply integrated with technology and the digital world. Maybe you really were just hallucinating after all.

"Anyway..." the now-named jerk seemed to regain his composure as he tapped a few buttons on a holographic screen, which appeared to materialize out of thin air. The futuristic interface hovered before him, casting an eerie glow across the room. Oh only if you knew what was next.


Welcome Player 001 to the system! Your guide will be Server X, please say hi!

"Uh, hey?" You ventured a hesitant greeting, your hand lifting in a tentative wave that seemed almost comically inadequate given the extraordinary circumstances, giving the holographic screen a mall wave. Your voice wavered with a mix of curiosity and confusion as you tried to establish some semblance of normalcy in this baffling encounter, but alas, there was none.

Well we meant 'Hi' but hey works too! Anyway here's the tutorial!


Optional daily quests can be done to earn points.
There may be mini objectives to hit along the way, these MUST be done or else a penalty will be received!
If you receive a penalty of failure, you'll get a penalty spin, which is inclusive of INSTANT death.
Points can also be earned through favorability. If a person were to have a significant increase in favorability towards you, points would be added accordingly.
The more points you have, the higher the level you are and the better the props available.
The system also provided a spatial space for you. Time inside flows differently at a 10 to 1 ratio. Being that, 10 minutes in the space is equivalent to 1 minute in this world. However, due to your low level, you are only allowed to spend 2 hours of spatial time per day.

Server X will guide you through the rest but those are the main points! Good luck xoxo!

"Server X...?" You repeated the unfamiliar name, your curiosity piqued as the holographic screen vanished as mysteriously as it had materialized. You turned to the tiny elf like thing named 'Server X', it sounded almost ridiculous. Absurd even.

"Yeah... that's me..." Server X responded, his voice carrying an air of nonchalance that contrasted sharply with the extraordinary nature of his existence. You couldn't help but feel a mixture of bewilderment and confusion as you contemplated the tiny being before you, who now bore the peculiar title of 'Server X'. Elf boi. You noted.

"Anyway... these are your daily quests..." he tapped on his mini holographic screen, as if this was just another day at the office. The device responded with a familiar and somewhat comical-


God you really need to get used to this Ding~! sound. The holographic screen materialized once again, hovering in front of you.


"These guys really expect me to do exercise?"


You get transmigrated to Eleceed in the body of Luca Kim after being magnificently struck by lightning.
Then upon meeting your new parents, you fainted again due to the overwhelming amount of memories transferred to you.
After waking up again, you meet Server X, and get introduced to the system and of course, our beloved elf boy.

1181 words

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