My dad, 1985

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You, Valentino received a B- on your essay from your English teacher. You then went to your balcony to get some fresh air and it started raining. Suddenly you get struck by lightning while enjoying the rain and you get transmigrated to Eleceed in the body of Luca Kim.


Oh lord have mercy. You thought, having taken a glance at these two stunningly gorgeous individuals.

"Darling, our son's finally awake!"

"Eh?" Son? I don't remember having these models? As parents. Being absolutely stunned, not really sure if it was the shock or the appearance of the couple, you gave them a slightly questionable look.

The woman, around 6'1, looked at you with a tender, motherly gaze. Looking as if no words could express how grateful that you were awake. She was a vision of ethereal beauty, a woman who seemed to have stepped out of a dream. Her long, flowing hair cascaded like liquid silver, shimmering and glinting with an otherworldly radiance. Each strand glistened with a silvery-blue sheen, reflecting the soft, ambient light around her. It was as if the moonlight itself had woven its delicate threads into her hair, creating a breathtaking spectacle. Those sliver locks fell off her shoulders and flowed down her back, similar to a waterfall. Her eyes, however, were the most captivating feature of all. They were the color of Tanzanite, a rare and hypnotic shade of deep blue with hints of violet and lavender. Her gaze was like a window to a hidden universe, drawing you into its depths with an irresistible magnetism. Those eyes held a mysterious allure, a sense of ancient wisdom and a touch of enigmatic secrets, as if they had witnessed the ebb and flow of centuries. Her face was a harmonious blend of delicate features, with high cheekbones that added an elegant grace to her countenance. Her skin was porcelain smooth, as if untouched by the passage of time, and it glowed with a soft, natural radiance. Her lips, a subtle shade of rose, curved into a gentle, enigmatic smile, hinting at a well-guarded treasure trove of emotions and thoughts. She wore a simple black dress, complimenting her unique features and moved with an effortless grace, her every gesture imbued with a quiet confidence. Her presence was both commanding and comforting, like a rare gemstone that had been unearthed from the depths of the earth, polished to perfection, and now radiated an otherworldly beauty that left those fortunate enough to behold her utterly spellbound. In her, there was a timeless elegance and a captivating aura that transcended the ordinary, making her a living masterpiece of beauty.

While he was a striking figure, a man whose presence demanded attention. His jet-black hair was like a cloak of midnight, framing his face with an air of mystery and intensity. The raven strands were thick and unruly, cascading slightly over his forehead, enhancing the enigmatic allure that surrounded him. Yet, again it was his eyes that truly set him apart. They were an astonishing shade of bright yellow, like two orbs of radiant sunshine captured within the depths of his gaze. Those piercing eyes seemed to glow with an inner fire, lending him an almost supernatural aura. They were windows to a soul ablaze with passion and determination, and when he fixed his gaze upon you, it was as if he could see straight through to your very essence.

Oh dear. You thought, this guy reminds me of my psychology professor.

His features were strong and chiseled, with a square jawline that hinted at a resolute spirit. His skin, a shade of pale olive, bore testament to a life lived with purpose and vigor. A well-defined nose added character to his face, while a faint scar near his left eyebrow told a story of past experiences and battles. He wore a shirt and pants, an attire similar to the woman beside him. He moved with a confident stride, every step exuding an air of authority. There was an undeniable strength in his demeanor, as if he were a force of nature, unyielding and untamed.

It was a remarkably tender sensation, one that sent a subtle shiver down your spine, and yet, it carried a hint of embarrassment. In all your years, you couldn't recall anyone ever being so... touchy with you. It was a new experience, something that wrapped around you like a warm, inviting cocoon, so vividly real that it felt almost surreal. Strange. This wasn't in the script. But, oh how you once desperately yearned for this, a reward you used to get for being deemed 'good enough' for your parents. Yearning that had driven you to endure years of relentless pressure, countless late-night study sessions, grueling tutoring sessions, and the unceasing rehearsals that aimed to mold you into their vision of success. The weight of expectations had been an unrelenting burden, one that had molded you into a person you weren't entirely sure you recognized anymore, but at least they almost did.

(Ok who relates to this^? Me ofc.)

As the unusual sensation continued to linger, you realized that it offered a glimpse of liberation. You felt unburdened, free from the shackles of expectations that had hounded you for so long. Vulnerability, an emotion you had rarely encountered, seemed to be the key to this newfound sense of freedom. It was as if you had unlocked a door to an undiscovered realm of self-expression, where being genuine and unguarded was not only acceptable but celebrated.

But wait a minute? Who were these two? And why are you being patted like a dog by this woman??

"Hey! get your hands off me." You shouted, slapping the woman's hand off you and gripping the blanket on you tighter. Ah yes, you never liked people, much less physical contact. It would have been the same to anyone that had the same experiences, being betrayed again and again was not the best. Your history was marked by betrayal, engraving deep scars etched into your memory, akin to computer code.

Don't trust anyone.

It was only one of the so-called rules that you've set for yourself.

"Ah.." The woman retracted her hand, her lip quivering slightly. You didn't really slap that hard, did you?

Hold up. Why did your hands look bigger? You couldn't have had a growth spurt overnight, much less at the age of 23. Your head throbbed painfully, as if a relentless storm raged within your mind. It was as though you were drowning in a tumultuous sea of memories, each crashing wave carrying with it a piece of someone else's life. Flashbacks of the previous soul's existence flooded your consciousness all at once, an unstoppable torrent of emotions, experiences, and identities. You found yourself helplessly navigating the labyrinth of another person's history. Their laughter, their tears, their triumphs, and their regrets, all merged into a chaotic collage of moments that were not your own. Faces you didn't recognize stared back at you from the depths of your mind, while unfamiliar places and people intertwined with your own sense of self. It was an overwhelming maelstrom of thoughts and sensations, a rollercoaster ride through a lifetime that wasn't yours. Your very identity seemed to blur at the edges, and for a fleeting, disorienting moment, you wondered if you were still you, or if the lines between your own existence and this intruder's had become irrevocably entangled.

The pain in your head intensified with each passing second, a cacophony of voices and emotions threatening to shatter your sanity. It was too much to bear. Smoke? And electricity? A vivid picture was painted in your mind, a stormy night...Your vision blurred. and the world around you faded into a distant, echoing abyss. The last sensation you registered before losing consciousness was the sensation of being adrift in a vast, churning sea of memories.

"Luca!" a voice called out, breaking through the haze of your fading consciousness and yet you still blacked out.

You get transmigrated to Eleceed in the body of Luca Kim after being magnificently struck by lightning.
Then upon meeting your new parents, you fainted again due to the overwhelming amount of memories transferred to you.

1390 words

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