Oh great Fat Cat, please spare me

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You get transmigrated to Eleceed in the body of Luca Kim after being magnificently struck by lightning.
Then upon meeting your new parents, you fainted again due to the overwhelming amount of memories transferred to you.
After waking up again, you meet Server X, and get introduced to the system and of course our beloved elf boy.



Great. Just great. You thought, shouldn't the tasks be 10 points each?? Why on earth do you have to complete all of them just for a measly 50 points?!

What was this again? Ah yes, the dreaded sit-ups. You despised them with every fiber of your being. Why? Why wouldn't you detest them? They were agonizing, torturous even, and the epitome of sheer annoyance. And as if the situation couldn't get any more worse, there was the tiny elf kid, snugly nestled in your blanket, cradling your precious strawberry. How absurd this situation was. In a desperate attempt to evade the looming ordeal of sit-ups, you pondered your options.
1. Do the sit-ups you despised with every ounce of your soul.
2. Beg.
So in order not to do sit ups, what could you have possibly done? If not beg the all-mighty Server X to take pity on you?

"Oh, come on! You've taken my strawberry milk. Can't you just award me those 50 points? I've completed all the other four tasks," you whined, the urgency of your need for those points lingering at the back of your mind. And specifically did you need those 50 points again? It all boiled down to that old phone of yours, the one from your original world. It was sitting tantalizingly in the system shop, waiting to be redeemed. The catch? You needed a daunting 5000 points, which translated to a grueling 100 days of enduring this digital labyrinth.

Sucks to be you today :)

"Shut up... Haven't I already declined your request..." the tiny elf retorted, annoyance flickering across his features. Your incessant whining seemed to have disrupted his tranquil moment of relishing your strawberry milk in peace.

With a frustrated groan, you shifted your attention to exploring the system interface further. It bore a striking resemblance to those immersive video games you used to lose yourself in. There it was, the character screen, displaying the singular figure of a certain 'Luca Anastasios Kim.' Nevermind that. Pushing aside any curiosity about this name, you delved into the other system functions and clicked on the mail option. It was a revelation to find an email, and the items of more than enough Korean won than you could have even imagined. There was built-in digital bank too, your virtual pockets now brimming with won. Actually no. You were practically swimming in money at this point. Oh, the unspoken privileges of being transmigrated.

Now which world was this supposed to be? It seemed to modern to be Demon Slayer, far too ordinary when you went out to run so that rules out most of those animes you've watched. And at that moment, a sharp pain shot through your head, oh please don't let me be Potter. What was this? The same vivid image from before, but in more detail. This couldn't be good...Smoke...electricity...a stormy night...a ominous figure man in black...OH HELL NO.

You slapped yourself back to reality. Oh how unfortunate, you had landed yourself in the world of Elecced. And apparently, it appears that you had already managed to irk actually no, piss off the great Kayden before you even set foot in the world. Was that why the daily quest name was 'Getting ready to suffer'? Great, you could get your ass kicked by the formidable Kayden any day now.

Oh great fat cat, please spare me

It really sucks to be you today :)


You get transmigrated to Eleceed in the body of Luca Kim after being magnificently struck by lightning.
Then upon meeting your new parents, you fainted again due to the overwhelming amount of memories transferred to you.
After waking up again, you meet Server X, and get introduced to the system.
And now you find out you have pissed off the great Kayden. 

A/N: Apologies for inconsistency and the short chapter. Please pray for your safety, it is essential as I may or may not take pity on you in the next few chapters :)
(I won't, you all can suffer like how I am with the lack of drafts)

799 words

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