12. Where am I?

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Peter Parker

I wake up and immediately freeze. Someone is hugging me. Where am I? ohhh, fuuuu. I'm at the Avengers tower and fell asleep on Tony's chest. Nat is hugging me. Ned is never going to believe me. I keep laying as still as possible to try and not wake anyone up and look at the clock. It is 7 o'clock already! I have to be in school in an hour! I don't even have the right schoolbooks here! I have to go in 10 minutes if I want to get home and grab my books and still be on time! shit. I look at Nat and Tony and think about which one is the least scary to wake up. Both are scary. I then realize that Nat is hugging me tight, so I have to wake her up either way if I want to get off this couch, so I slowly breath in and try to wake her up. "Natasha?" I ask, please let her sleep light. "Fuck off!" Natasha grumbles and tries to turn around. She then realizes she is hugging me and is immediately wide awake. "Oh, sorry Pete. Wait, isn't today a school day? what time is it? You are not allowed to skip school. Wait, did I tell you what happened at the principle office yesterday?" I chuckle and start answering. "It's a schoolday, it is 7 o'clock, I have to go in 10 minutes by the way. And no, you didn't tell me, what happened? I kind of can't remember a thing." I say, and see her eyes get wide. "Okay, get up Детеныш паука, get your stuff, I will make you breakfast and drive you to school. I will tell you on the way to school." I get up and get my bag. I walk to the kitchen and see Nat busy with bread and peanut butter. "You are not allergic for peanuts, right?" Nat asks and I shake my head. Then I realize her back is turned to me and I facepalm, <No I'm not.> I sign, then I facepalm even harder. She won't see my signing either. "Right Pete?" She asks again as I still haven't answered in a way she could hear. "No, I'm not allergic." I say and Nat goes on with making me sandwiches. She turns around and gives me the bread and a box to put bread in. Eat 4 sandwiches, take 4 with you for lunch." Nat says with a voice that doesn't accept no. I nod and do as I'm told, before being pulled with her to the garage. "Happy, can you drive us to Peter's school?" Nat asks and after Happy grumbles a yes, we get into a car. "could we first go to my house, I need to get some schoolbooks for today." I ask, as I don't want to get in trouble. Happy grumbles a yes and we start driving.
"So what happened yesterday was that the principal accused you of being the first one to hit and that that idiot called Flash did everything out of self defence. I called him out on his bullshit and told him that you are being bullied by Flash." I internally groan as I hear that. Yes I was bullied by him, but I could take it, his next victim might not. He might back off on me, but I could handle it. "-Flash got a week suspension in the end. Why the principal is protecting that kid I don't know." I hear Natasha say while trying to hide her anger. "Well, the father of Flash finances the entire school." I reply with a small voice, knowing she won't like it. "Then I hope that the father will at least punish his hellspawn." Natasha says with venom while I know that that is also not going to happen, thinking about what Flash's dad whispered to his kid.

"Well at least you bullied the poor kid, nothing is going to happen to you" the man says with a smug face.

Luckily I don't have to reply or change the subject as we are standing in front of the apartment complex. "I will be back in a sec!" I say, before running off into the apartment complex. I take the elevator to the fourth floor where our apartment is and open the front door. I run to my room and grab the books I need. I want to run out again, but am met with a punch in the stomach. I groan in pain as I double down.  I look up at Jaxon and see the extreme anger in his eyes. "It is that you are too worthless to make me come late to an appointment, but you need to stop with the lies about your so-called internship. This evening you will hear what I think of it. Or feel." He says with a smirk. My eyes go frightened as I realize what will happen this evening. My spider sense tells me another punch is coming, but I have to let it happen. I get hit in the ribs that are still heavily bruised, even with my healing and flinch from the amount of pain, but I know better than to cry. I then feel myself getting pushed out of the door and I fall against a wall.  I try to calm my breathing and put on my happy face again before going downstairs to the car again. Before stepping outside, I put a smile on my face and breathe in and out.
"We can go to school now!" I say with a smile. The smile slowly becomes a genuine one as I remember that Flash is suspended. We arrive at school and I say my goodbyes before running to class to be on time. I enter the classroom and sit down next to Ned and grab my books. "Where did you go yesterday? I didn't see you in chemistry man!" Ned whispers to me. I freeze, not knowing what to say. "I will tell you during the break, I got Flash suspended for a week!" I say excitedly. Ned looks at me as if I just told him about a new Star Wars film, "Dude!!" he whisper screams. "I won't be able to wait that long!" Luckily I don't have to say something back as the teacher begins the lesson.

Writer here, thank you @nickypisano for voting on some chapters! it really means a lot to me when people vote on chapters, it also means a lot to me that people even read this fanfic, so thank you all so much!

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