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Open Wound is now up for pre-orders on Amazon! You can find the link to pre-order on its website, which I mention below ♥ The book will be auto delivered to your Kindle when it's released on October 22, 2023.

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This is a preview. The first five chapters will always be free here to read to get a feel for the book. I've made a page for it where you can watch the unedited trailer and read a summary, as well as get a list of trigger warnings. That's here:

Since this is the follow-up book to Everything Is Wonderful Now, it's recommended to read that first in its entirety to fully understand this one. The first five chapters of that are also up here on my profile. If you'd like to see a summary, trailer, and list of trigger warnings for the first book, you can find its page here: (Likewise, if you can't afford a copy of any of my books, let me know and I'll send you a/n eBook/s.  Please only ask if you genuinely cannot afford to buy books ♥)

It's important to note that this book is much darker and more explicit than the first, so if you read the first book, just know this one hits a lot harder and is a lot more adult.

I hope the first five chapters pique your interest! Please note that this book is for mature readers 18 and over. There is explicit sexual content and other sensitive subjects not appropriate for minors.

 There is explicit sexual content and other sensitive subjects not appropriate for minors

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