Chapter 1

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I slowly open my eyes, and the first thing I notice is the bright light shining down on me. I blink a few times, trying to adjust to the brightness, and then I realize that I'm in a hospital room. The walls are a dull grey, and the air smells of disinfectant. I try to sit up, but a sharp pain shoots through my body, and I realize that I'm hooked up to an IV. Panic starts to set in as I try to remember how I got here, but my mind is blank. I call out weakly,

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Suddenly, I hear the sound of footsteps outside my door, and a nurse comes in. She greets me with a smile and says,

"Good morning! You're awake" I return the friendly smile at her,

"What happened to me?" I whisper, my voice barely audible. I take a deep breath, trying to muster the courage to speak and the courage to remember.

"You were in a horrible car accident," she say with a smile that still seemed happy, despite the news she had just delivered. I place my hands over my face, then ran them through my hair.

"Shit," I hiss, managing to grab eye contact with her. "Is my wife here?", Her hands hold each other in front of her, her sparkling hazel eyes briefly looking to the side, then back at me.

"no" She spoke

"Well, where the hell is she?" Feeling my heart thumping, Where is she...

"She did stop by, of course, but she said she had to pick up the kids from daycare." The breath I held for so long lets out, and the nurse laughs a bit at my reaction. embarrassed, a bit I crack out a smile. her laughter is reassuring. "You've been in a coma for 2 weeks" and I hold my breath

"Seems like someone was trying to kill me"

"Seems like it, I wouldn't let you die," she says with a smile, flexing her muscles, even though she doesn't have any.

"You took care of me for 2 weeks?" I ask, raising my eyebrows

"I mean me and my colleagues, but for the most part, yes. I take great pride in my work," she replies.

"I appreciate it, Ms..." I scan her chest for her name tag, Amanda Owen. "Owen

"Just doing my job" her lips curling up in a way that doesn't quite reach her eyes. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, unsure of what to do with her hands. " You have a visitor, they've been calling and asking about you since your incident"

"Then why the hell am I talking to you?"I chuckle and she does the same as she leaves...a few moments later, My sister, Arwen...It's so good seeing her...clean. but every time I see her I can only see her in her overdose state...She rushes over hugging me unaware of the pain in my stomach but seeing worth everything and I squeeze back even tighter

"You have a grip for someone who's supposed to be dead" She jokes, I can tell by the tear running down her face...she came up from my shoulder "How are you?"

Better," I whisper, taking in the sight of her. Her eyes are bright, big, clear, wet, and shining, and the color of her cheeks is real. I'm so glad to see her, but I can't help but feel confused. "What do you mean by someone who's supposed to be dead?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

" You know, Your wife told everyone you were dead and all" My eyebrows narrow " You know, I don't trust that bitch"

" Arwen" I stop her

"Sorry" She spoke, I nod...Why would she tell people that I died? I know I was in a coma for 2 weeks but, Doesn't matter I'll just surprise her. "But you know that bitch- I mean she moved in with our brother?"

"Which one?" raising a brow

"Benny" She answers, that's strange...why would she do that...

Ms. Owen clears her throat, interrupting the conversation. "Um...I'm sorry to interrupt or maybe even eavesdrop," she says awkwardly. The silence in the room is palpable as I turn to look at her. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, her eyes darting around the room. "But you're talking about Benjamin-?"

"Look lady, ain't nobody talking to you? All right, stay your nosy ass back there and shut the hell up, and let me talk to my brother." I sigh at Arwen

"Sorry," Ms.Owen held her hands out as if she was surrendering and leaving the room.

"Do you know why she would move in?"

"Nah, I just came from rehab and stop by to see Benny and them and I found that she moved in, along with your kids too"

I nod, "I'll talk to her about that. How's rehab anyways?"

She shrugs, looking away. I grin, sensing that there's more to the story.

"You met someone in there, haven't you?" I question.

"Naw man, what you talkin' about," she replies, but I can see the faint blush on her face.

"If someone's causing you problems, let me know."

"Yeah, all right," she rolls her eyes.

"You should also be nice to Ms. Owen. She's been taking care of me for 2 weeks."

"That's more than what your wife has ever done" She mumbles, I couldn't say anything- no more like disagree.


Arwen Left a few hours ago- no it was Stacy for rehab assistant, I make it my job to know what's going on with my sister. My family is very important to me after all...Without them, I don't know where would I be.
I've noticed my legs haven't been responsive and It's scary to think about, a part of my body I could have moved at any now- only for display like those china plates my grandmother never let us use...only there to look at.
I heard footsteps but I couldn't bother seeing who it was Until she made herself known with her voice.

" Time for dinner" Ms.Owen place a tray of food in front of me...staring at the chicken that I know for sure that's sale and the green peas I know that are cold, and the chocolate pudding. "I know it's not the most enjoyable, but it meets the nutritional needs of patients, rather than to be enjoyable. "

"I can see that" I shiver from nausea.

"I and my colleagues pitch in some money on Mondays and Fridays to feed the patients here with really good food," she says, smiling brightly at me. "Once you start your physical therapy, we'll be happy for you to join us."As I hear her words.

I feel a sense of hopefulness, but also a bit of nervousness. Physical therapy? I have a family to take care of, I can't be in here...letting someone else waste their time to care for me. I flinch as her hand holds my shoulder still, subsiding the shaking I didn't even know I was doing.

"It'll be fine, I promise...I know hospitals can be scary but, trust me, you are in good hands," she reassures me. I hold her hand back.

"Yeah well when you flex I didn't see a lot of muscle" I tease, she laughs pulling her hand back

"Okay, I'll see what these hands can do" She jokes "Oh also you have more visitors"

"I'm popular today aren't I?" I was expecting her to say something back...but she opens the door, letting in people I'd never seen before. But those police badges made it clear enough.

"Hello, My name is Jennifer Stallis I work for the Fraudulent Force of Law Enforcement" She extends her hand, and I shook it. 

"The"Fraudulent Force of Law Enforcement-" I choke...Why-why is she here?

" Yes, We believe someone tried to kill you."

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