chapter 5

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The bald guy, his name turned out to be Dr. Luner but insisted on calling him Travis.

Most of the day he wrote down some notes, While Ms.Owen help me with different walking tools, Through the way she encouraged me even for doing small things. 

I wondered If Jolica would do this for me If the outcome would be that I couldn't walk again, if Would she put up with helping me to the toilet, getting me in and out of the wheelchair, bathing me, and clothing me. Then I thought about Ms.Owen, Who does it all the time, doesn't she feel annoyed?

God, another day of changing this guy, I should just do it because he can't help himself

The thought she must think that place shivers down my spine...That's why I'm glad Travis told me, I'm going to be placed in a walker, Travis said, it wouldn't be long than 2 months before I'm fully healed and everything will be back to normal.

"Travis?" Ms. Owen calls out to him, and his head raises up from his notes with a smile. "It's dinner," she says, and Travis's eyes sparkle.

"Oo, what did you bring?" he asks.

"Nothing special, just pasta and some Chocolate chip cookies," she replies. The aroma of the food wafts through the air, and my stomach grumbles in response. I can almost taste the savory sauce and the sweet cookies.

"Cookies? with pasta?" He cringes his head back...She pulls her head back in offense.

" Who doesn't like chocolate chip cookies? Looking for dating advice? don't date anyone who doesn't like chocolate chip cookies" She says, I smile my lips back into a smile, and Travis laughs, She stands up...I did remember saying she does serve food with her colleagues.

I want to go, Anything other than eating that disgusting hospital food...I mean it doesn't even taste like anything

It doesn't even taste bad. it tastes like nothing.

"Ms.Owen, Mind if I tag along?" Seriously? tag along? It seems I lost all of my game after marriage, She stops at the doorframe, Looking at Travis and then back at me.

"Sure, you can tag along" Returning the tease...I grip the walker and step forward. "Is that all right Travis"

"Just be sure to bring me some cookies back" We smile at him before walking down the hallway, It's sorta nice because I came down this hallway in a wheelchair and now- I'm in a walker.

"So Ms.Owen-"

"Amanda" she corrects

"So, Amanda," I begin, trying to make conversation. Her name has a nice ring to it. "How old are you?" I glance over at her, taking in her tall, slender frame, long black hair often kept in a tight ponytail, hazel eyes, and creamy fair complexion. She doesn't seem old, maybe 25?

"I'm 29," she answers, and I'm surprised.

"I thought it takes like 10 years to become a nurse," I say, trying to calculate in my brain until her laughter interrupts me.

"I'm a nurse. It only took around 4 years or so," she explains, and I can't help but feel impressed. Despite her youthful appearance, she's already accomplished so much in her career. "What do you do for a living?"

"I'm an R&D manager," I say, and Amanda raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Are you now? I'm impressed," she replies, and I can't help but feel a sense of pride. Looking down at my feet, I can smell the food from here.

"Do you enjoy your job?" she asks.

"Do you?" I counter...Despite knowing the answer.
"Of course, I always wanted to be a nurse," She reply, and she smiles.

"Well then, you have your answer," I say.

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