chapter end

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Four weeks had come and gone, and I found myself back in the comforting embrace of my old house once more. As I settled back into my familiar surroundings, Amanda, my trusted companion, remained by my side. Her reasoning for being there was simple; she kept a watchful gaze on my "leg", or rather, my third leg - a playful jab that hinted at the more intimate nature of our relationship. But with Amanda there, I felt whole again, in a place where I truly belonged. After all, there truly was no place like home.

Michael's face was flushed with fever and he was sweating profusely, his body wracked with chills. Despite his discomfort, Amanda was doing her best to make him feel better by doting on him with a hot, steaming bowl of soup. As I made my way to the door, my heart skipped a beat at the sight of Jennifer standing on the doorstep.  I couldn't help but wonder what had brought her here at such a strange hour.

"Hey there!" My smile radiates as our eyes meet.

"You seem to be doing much better," She observes, the relief evident in my voice.

"Indeed," I chuckle heartily, extending the door to invite her in.

Without hesitation, she strides in, her soft footsteps echoing in the quiet room, and settles comfortably onto the plush couch. I don't waste a moment, following closely behind her.

'We found out the cause of our car crash,'" she said, her eyes widening.

"I almost forgot about that," I laughed nervously, but my stomach churned.

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed, shocked by the revelation. My heart raced as I tried to make sense of her words.

She nodded, her expression grim. "I wish it wasn't true, but the evidence speaks for itself. Your wife and brother plotted together to cause the car crash, and Jolica saw it as an opportunity to cash in on your insurance money."

I felt sick to my stomach as the words sunk in. Images of my wife and brother huddled together, scheming against me, flashed through my mind. The betrayal and deceit left me reeling.

"I can't believe it," I muttered, unable to process the magnitude of the betrayal. She placed a hand on my shoulder, her eyes filled with sympathy.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "But we have to face the truth and take action. We can't let them get away with this"

"I wanted to tell you the police are outside and they'll be taking her," Say adds, her voice wooden and stiff, the words falling heavily from her lips like a pile of bricks.

"I haven't heard from her in a while..." My voice trailed off, the image of her haunting me like a ghost in the night. "One night she just disappeared along with my brother," I informed her, my words almost a whisper as I clenched my fists, my heart heavy with the weight of those memories.
I saw disappointment etch itself on her face like a knife, her eyes downcast as she struggled to comprehend the news

"Huh?" Her eyebrows furrowed in surprise as she struggled to process the unexpected news. "Well, that is unexpected." She sprang from the couch with a sense of urgency, determined to inform the others. Striding purposefully towards the door, she paused, turning to face me.

"Come back if you need anything else," I offered with a reassuring smile. I watched her exit, the door closing firmly behind her

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