Chapter 4

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Delicious aromas of bacon, eggs, and coffee had Selena salivating when she stumbled downstairs the following morning despite her lack of appetite. As she passed the foyer, with its peeling wallpaper and well-worn, scuffed floor, her gaze strayed to where Uncle Franklin's statue had been after he'd frozen into an ice sculpture before her eyes. It was gone now. A painful lump formed in her throat. The police must have removed what she'd preserved in stone — removed him — last night when they came to investigate his murder. She'd assumed as much after hearing the muffled conversation between her parents and the police, but to see it for herself hit her like a punch to the gut.

The police would have forensics run some diagnostics to detect any magical signature from the freezing curse, but Selena didn't hold out much hope that their investigation would turn up anything useful. They'd be lucky to determine the cursed item that killed Uncle Franklin. To detect a magical signature well enough to identify the culprit would take a miracle.

After the investigation, his preserved body would be released to his family. They could keep the statue if they wanted, or they could hold a sending ceremony to disintegrate the body with earth, air, fire, and water magic combined, returning it to the elements.

Selena turned away and headed to the tiny kitchen for a much-needed caffeine boost.

"Stress cooking, Mom?" Selena scoffed. " You fixed enough food for an army, and it's going to go to waste." Selena poured some coffee, fixed her plate with toast and a spoonful of eggs, and joined Father and Mom at the breakfast table. Time to put her plan into action.

A whirlpool of nerves swirled in her stomach as she prepared to make her pitch. So many things could go wrong, and she'd be left with no way onto the ship. Father could say no, regardless of any angle she tried to convince him. If that happened, Selena needed Mom to insist on driving Father to the dock and on Selena going with them. That was key in this scenario. Father would suspect Selena of having an ulterior motive if she went voluntarily after he'd turned her down.

Father gave her the once-over and frowned, his critical eyes taking in her disheveled state. "You look like death warmed over. You've got bags under your eyes, and your hair is a rat's nest. Don't tell me you stayed up all night crying. Franklin would have expected better from you," Father said.

Selena kept her gaze on her plate, careful to school her expression. Did he suspect that she'd snooped in his office? No, if he had any inkling of what she'd done, he'd already be giving her an earful about it. "Have you checked yourself in the mirror this morning? We match. You've got bags, too, your hair is all spiky, and you haven't shaved yet."

Rile Father up, check. Prey on their fears to goad them into making an emotional decision that will get her on the ship, incoming.

Father leveled a sharp glare at her. "Mind your attitude."

Before Father could work himself into a tirade she didn't want to hear, she plunged ahead. "You know, I've been thinking. Could we come with you on this business trip? After everything, I don't feel safe here. If what happened to Uncle Franklin has anything to do with work, it could happen to one of us next. The three of us should stay together."

Mom's gaze turned troubled, and her hand trembled as she sipped her coffee.

Sensing an imminent freak-out from Mom, Father snapped, "Selena Grace Mendelson, stop scaring your mother."

Some of the dark liquid from Mom's coffee cup sloshed onto the frayed placemat. Like putty in Selena's hands, Mom was giving exactly the reaction Selena had hoped. Surely now she'd help convince Father to bring them on the cruise, or, failing that, at least suggest dropping him off.

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