The Beginning

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It was a normal day at Bohemieth High School. Tarreb was in his favorite sweater. It was blue and said "Ocean City New Jersey" it also had a Shark decal on it. Tarreb was swinging on his favorite swing; it had the perfect amount of squeak. Thats when Tarreb Drahctrip got called to the office.

He was anxiously waiting in the office, then the secretary said that Principal De La Roche will now see me. Tarreb sat down in Principal De La Roche's office. "Tarreb we understand with all your disabilities it" Tarreb interrupted Principal De La Roche and said "Do you mean my Autism, ADHD, and Anxiety?" "Yes." Principal De La Roche said, sounding frustrated "We are transferring you to another school." "You're going to Paradise High School." Principal De La Roche said gently not to make Tarreb more anxious. "What? Why?" Terrab said "There you can find people who will be more than willing to help you."

As soon as he stepped out of the office the bell rang. He walked the 4 miles home because he hated the bus. As he was about to go into his house Anderson Kristopher stood up from the stairs and said "Got any money." "Shit" As Tarreb reached for his wallet, he realized he had left it in his backpack, which he had left at school. He nervously looked around, hoping to find a way out of the situation. A girl who happened to be passing by, noticed the commotion and quickly came to Tarreb's aid, standing up to Anderson Kristopher and diffusing the situation.

Tarreb was badly hurt but he crawled inside his apartment, so he did not have to say anything. He had cracked a few ribs and had deep gashes and cuts. His mom was always working, so he had to take care of himself. He tried to clean up his wounds as best as he could and hoped they wouldn't get infected. He wrapped himself in bandages and went to bed.

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