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I want to assert that as a book reviewer, I always approach my job with honesty and provide unbiased feedback to my clients. Unlike some reviewers who only read a few chapters, I always read the entire book and meticulously analyze all aspects before providing a thorough review. It is disrespectful to my hard work and time if my clients choose to unfollow me after receiving my report.

I delivered a report to a user via private message as requested. However, upon receiving the report, the user accused me of being biased and rude without basis. In addition, they unfollowed me and deleted their  form  from my shop, insulting my work in the process. While my shop may not be popular, such behavior is unacceptable and I find it disrespectful. I would like to remind you that mutual respect is key in all transactions. If my review does not meet your standards, please inform me in a respectful manner. I always aim to give positive reviews, and it would be appreciated if you could follow me back within the next six hours. Otherwise, I regret to inform you that I will have to mention your name in a negative context. I am willing to offer you one last chance to salvage our professional relationship.

I have worked hard on my shop, but it's not as popular as it should be. My reviews are honest and well thought out. I even take the time to correct grammar mistakes and explain them properly, which is rare among reviewers. If you read any of my reviews, you'll see that I'm not rude at all. If you continue to accuse me of being rude, then I can assure you that you'll see my assertive side. You owe me an apology for your unfounded accusations.

I am not putting your name here Because I want to give you last chance I hope you understand Want I mean dear

Jingyi  review shop ( On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now