Review 2

54 15 18

truth in a masquerade
Author : crimsonbrine

I want to make it clear that I have no intentions of disrespecting you. You asked for my honest opinion, so I am here to give it. Additionally, I don't believe in assigning marks or acting as a judge. As a reviewer, my role is to provide assistance. Let's get started.

Book cover

I have a suggestion for your book cover. While it is good, I believe it could be improved. Although using Jungkook's picture was great, it gives off a creepy and messy vibe. Additionally, the title of the book lacks clarity and does not catch the attention of readers. I suggest using a manipulated image with a clear gray font to create a cover that is uniquely eye-catching.

Book title
Your Book title is pretty good tho ya it was suitable on your story and it was very unique one..

Book blurb

Yo! I just checked out your blurb and it's dope! I love how you kicked it off with a quote and then gave a quick summary of the story. Real impressive! But you should totally add more juice to the two main characters who are complete opposites but still end up getting together. That would make it even more lit. Anyways, keep killing it!

Writing style

I appreciate the rich vocabulary you employ in your writing, which indicates that you strive for a professional style. However, I suggest that you incorporate some simplicity as well. While using high-quality vocabulary is admirable, it would be beneficial to also include simpler words. Additionally, I find your writing to be slightly confusing. I am unsure why I experienced confusion while reading your book, but I suspect that your writing style is somewhat unique. Despite my confusion, I must acknowledge that your style is indeed unique and I admire your choice of vocabulary.

Gramitical mistake

Well you did so many gramitcal mistake but still there's is some Spelling and minor which I noticed


"On 21st April, 2022, Busan Police received a call from Sangnim Funeral Home, identifying the dead body of Park Junseo."


Taehyung cursed.

"The victim went missing on the 6th of April when he didn't return home like he used to, every night. My client waited for twenty four hours before reporting him missing."

Those dreaded twenty four hours.

Each second of which felt no less than an eternity; a younger brother waiting for his elder one, his hopes being shredded apart with every second that passed.

The format of the date has been changed as the ordinal number should not be used after the day number.
Instead, the comma has been placed after the year.

'Dead' has been moved after Taehyung cursed to make a complete sentence.

'Every night' has been added for correct grammar and clarity.

'Twenty-four hours' has been hyphenated for correct adjectival usage.

The semicolon has been changed to a full stop to make two separate sentences.

'being' has been added before shredded to form the present participle.

'Passed' has been changed to 'passing' to form the correct progressive tense.

Mistake 2

Your write

Rather, it was silence.

The pair had an exchange of looks and it was wordlessly decided that they would have to opt for knocking.

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