Review 3

50 15 4

reviewer note
I  want to make it clear that I have no intentions of disrespecting you. You asked for my honest opinion, so I am here to give it. Additionally, I don't believe in assigning marks or acting as a judge. As a reviewer, my role is to provide assistance. Let's get started.


Book Cover

I believe that your book cover should be updated. The current cover appears quite messy and fails to capture readers' attention. Additionally, it seems that you have not provided a title for the book. I strongly recommend that you make changes using a software that incorporates a dark color combination.

Book title

Hey! I wanted to share a friendly suggestion with you regarding your book on Wattpad called destiny "

I'm sorry to say, but it seems like there are already many books with the same name. As a result, your book might not be getting the recognition it truly deserves. Additionally, the storyline of your book doesn't seem to match the content of the other book titled 'Destiny .' It might be beneficial to choose a unique and fitting title that makes more uniqueness and aligns with your book's cover.

Book blurb
Your book blurb appears to be simplistic, which I believe does not fully reflect the deserving qualities of your book. Consider enhancing it by incorporating more captivating language and uniqueness, perhaps by introducing an element of intrigue or mystery.

Gramitcal something
Your did some gramitical mistake in book here is some
Chapter 33
Suga line

Suga : It is true that we hired people to faeke bully us and so that we can gain hyung's attention and slowly we will take over his position, we were just teenagers at that time and as a teenager we got fascinated by maifa's and thought to do this. But we never planned to kill him we swear. After spending some time with him me and jin hyung got the closest with him and felt guilty about our intentions, so we revealed everything to him. But instead of scolding us or something he just told us that it is fine and at this age people do get influenced by such things, and the reason he broke up with enunwoo was because this bastard was planning to kill him, he was right hand of Minho hyung but was always jealous of him and wanted to take over his position. This was the reason he had dated him, hyung's love was pure for him but this bastard killed him, we are no same our intentions were somewhat same but we had confessed ever-yth-ing but h-he.

Suga started crying and was is no

"corrected_sentence": "Suga: It is true that we hired people to fake bully us and gain hyung's attention so that we can slowly take over his position. We were just teenagers at that time, and as teenagers, we got fascinated by the mafia and thought to do this. But we never planned to kill him, we swear. After spending some time with him, Jin hyung and I got the closest to him and felt guilty about our intentions, so we revealed everything to him. But instead of scolding us or something, he just told us that it is fine and at this age, people do get influenced by such things. The reason he broke up with Enunwoo was that this bastard was planning to kill him. He was the right hand of Minho hyung but was always jealous of him and wanted to take over his position. This was the reason he had dated him. Hyung's love was pure for him, but this bastard killed him. We are not the same. Our intentions were somewhat the same, but we had confessed everything except for him (referring to the person who killed him). Suga started crying and was in shock."

"explanation": "1. "faeke" should be corrected to "fake."
2. "hyung's" should have an apostrophe, making it "hyung's attention."
3. "maifa's" should be corrected to "mafias."
4. "thought to do this" should be corrected to "thought of doing this."
5. "ever-yth-ing" should be corrected to "everything."
6. The sentence "Suga started crying and was is no ப" is incomplete and unclear, so I provided a revised sentence for clarity."

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