Hanging out

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Y/n PoV

I head into my room, and do a little dance as I don't know how I feel about Wanda asking me to hang out with her.

I head into the bathroom and have a shower once I get out the shower I wrap the towel around myself and find myself looking at myself in the mirror, and become really unhappy with the way I look, and with the way my hair is.

I end up gabbing the scissors and cutting my long hair off, I end up cutting a lot more then I should off and now I have a short short messy hair which now makes me look like a boy who hasn't even hit puberty yet.

"Fuck" I say out loud, with my hands on my head and realising that's I've fuck up, and now Wanda will never find me attractive or she might not even wanna hang out with me now as I now look like a boy and not a girl!

I start to panic and put some shorts and a cropped sweater on, and I put a hat on my head as I run out my room and constantly knocking on Natasha door.

"Okay okay, I'm coming" I hear Nat say as she opens the door and I push passed her, and start to pace around her room.

She shut the door and looks over at me concerned to what's wrong.

"Y/n" she says looking at me and I stop pacing and turn around to face her

"I've fuck up" I say as I take the hat off my head and I watch Nat face drop as she shocked that I've cut my hair off.

"It's not that bad" Nat says as she walks over to me and runs her hand through my hair.

"It actually really suits you, I like it" Nat adds as she walking around me inspecting my hair.

"Y/n the only issue is what you going tell you're mom and dad, you haven't even told them about you being gay, and now you've just cut all you're hair off" Nat says as she sits on her bed and I go into panic mood as Nat is right what am I going say to my parents about this.

Nat calms me down after having a little meltdown about it all, but also tells me it's going be okay and I shouldn't need to worry and my new hair do looks good on me.

"Nat, I'm meant to be hanging out with Wanda soon, and I have nothing to wear and I've cut all my hair off she probably won't wanna hang out with me now" I say starting to panic again and she pulls me into a hug

"You need to stop overthinking, what have I told you about doing that and getting yourself into a panic when it's not needed" Nat says and I look at her and nod then look back down.

"Just wear what your comfortable in y/n, and Wanda will still wanna hang out with you with short or long hair" Nat says letting go and moving away from the hug and i smile a little at her as she always knows what to say when I'm in a mess.

After having a little chat with Nat, I head back into my room and put some grey sweatpants on and a matching grey hoodie with the hood up so no one can see that I've cut my hair off.

I walk out my room and down the hall to Wanda room, and knock on her door, she opens the door with a cute smile, wearing burgundy sweatpants and a white top.

"Come in" she says moving out the way from the door and I walk in her room, I just looking around admiring her room as I've never really been in here before she only very been in my room.

"So I got popcorn, candy, some face masks, I was thinking we have a girl evening together watch a film get to know each other more" Wanda says shutting her door and then walking over to her bed and sitting on it and I turn round and look at her.

"Yeah that sound good" I say with a smile on my face and walk over to her bed and set nexts to her, I feel nervous inside, being around her is making my heartbeat raise faster. I end up blocking Wanda from my mind as I don't want her knowing what I'm thinking about because all I'm thinking about is how beautiful she is.

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